/r/dating: vent, discuss, learn!

r/dating4.4M subscribers319 active
r/Dating is NOT the place to soapbox Incel/Blackpill rhetoric.

There has been a slow and steady influx of unwanted and misguided conversation plaguing our boards over the last year or so. I don't think this is a surprise to any of you all. While we ultimately encourage healthy discussion around both the positives and negatives of dating the overall spirit of this sub has been lost. Many of our readers have expressed their concern to our moderation team and we honestly feel the same way.

Our "No Soap-boxing or Promoting an Agenda" rule has always been on the sidebar for our users to see but I want to stress our current stance on the topic. Soap-boxing will and has always included red/black-pill ideology, "alpha-male" talk, and the subset of vocabulary that comes with it.

This means that using our board to preach about how there is no hope for men (or women) who are conventionally unattractive is unwanted and will be removed. Using our board to discuss how you think women are shallow and will only choose the top percentage of men is unwanted and will be removed. Even just a mention of the term "Chad" is unwanted and will be removed.

We can sympathize that dating is difficult and is even more difficult for people that might not be the prettiest. It's no secret to anyone. What we value though is genuine discussion and helping those who actually want and need it. The countless misogynistic threads about how women and society aren't fair to men are toxic and don't do anyone any favors. There are better subreddits that would love to discuss these types of concerns with you in a more healthy way. Misandry is as equally intolerable.

At the end of the day let's lift each other up. Let's share our experiences and learn and/or laugh from them! Ask the questions that need to be asked. But let's not lose sight of what dating is really about.

EDIT: If you do see any rule breaking behavior please report so that we can take action. It's hard to see every comment. Thanks!

Pinnedby [deleted]Moderator
Is there such a thing as being too wet?Question ❓

I’m 24f and I was told that before I had my baby, I was too wet during sex. I thought being wet was a good, healthy thing during sex? What does too wet mean?

Update thanks to all ladies for ur honest opinions.Just Venting 😮‍💨

So i asked the girl out she rejected me that was the end of it. So i went out with friends met this cool chic i asked her out she said yes went on gym date, which was fun.

The same girl was there again working she saw me and kept interrupting our date, i didn't think of it much since i was enjoying our date.

So out of nowhere i get anonymous text "Hey i saw you today you looked nice and yes i will go out with you if still wana" C. She probably had access to my file i assumed and that caught me off gaurd. Obviously im not gona go out with her shes playing toddler.

Question to ladies why do some of you do this shit like WTF seriously life is hard enough as it is. If your person who does this shit male or female get ur shit sorted its better for you and other person. Know i have to change my number and gym.

NSFW!! Boyfriend [22m] eats me [23f] out every time we have sexnsfwI Need Advice 😩

So I know how the title must sound, and I'm not complaining. He makes me orgasm every single time we have sex before anything penetrative. He's easily the best sexual partner I've ever been with. We've been dating for 2.5 months now, and we've had lots of sex in that timeframe (we both have a relatively high libido). The kicker is, I've never given him a blowjob. Not a single time, and I feel guilty about it but he doesn't ever bring it up or say anything regarding oral sex unless it's about eating me out. I don't have any experience with oral sex with men. I'm bisexual and I've gone down on women but never on a man, so the thought of it is really unnerving because I'm already 23 and I feel so inexperienced. I'm scared to initiate and go down on him, because I literally would have no idea what I'm doing and would be mortified if I was bad at it. Recently, the "hawk tuah" meme has been pretty prominent online and he's started making jokes about it, and my guilty conscience is eating me alive. I feel bad because he goes down on me without hesitation every time we have sex, and I can tell he enjoys eating me out so it's not like it's a chore for him but I just feel bad that there's no reciprocity. I'm honestly not even sure if it bothers him that I've never given him a blowjob.

How should I even approach this? Is this something I should bring up or should I just let this play out?

bf can’t cumI Need Advice 😩

we’re both in our mid twenties and we’ve been sleeping together for about 3 months. he was able to cum a few times in the car and in his bed but lately he’s hasn’t been able to in both environments.

he says it’s just something that happens to him sometimes but i’m worried i’m doing something wrong. he can go for hours and he has no issue keeping it up but he can’t cum. he says it has nothing to do with how attractive i am or how good our emotional connection is. he just struggles with this.

does anyone have any ideas on how i could help him? he gets a lot of satisfaction from making me feel good but i feel awful for the fact ive been extremely sexually satisfied and he hasn’t been able to cum lately.

I had a disturbing encounter with a Tinder matchnsfwJust Venting 😮‍💨

This is not a flattering story, but I have to tell someone about this because I am genuinely disturbed by the “date” I just had. I (25M) have been single for a few years. For context, I will occasionally try my luck at dating apps but never consistently. Well, today was one of those days when my loneliness had gotten the better of me, so I started swiping.

Right away I matched with a VERY cute girl, she was my age and she lived literally around the corner from me. A four-minute drive. So we start talking, and right away she asks if I want to hang out. I had gotten out of work earlier and didn't have any plans so I said I was game. She wanted to smoke weed, which was my first red flag. I like weed as much as the next guy, but to suggest it as a first activity was strange. I'm known to get sort of weird and quiet on weed, so I much prefer a social lubricant like alcohol on first dates. But I didn't find it that strange so I was like, "Yeah I have a little bud, do you have any to match?" because she wanted to roll a blunt, and I wasn't sure I had enough weed for that. She tells me she has "no money". Red flag number two. I was like okay wait, why does an adult not have any money, I get the economy is bad but come on. I was becoming concerned that she was probably just a burnout stoner using me for smoke cause she's broke and can't buy bud. I have had encounters like this before during my upbringing in a city I won’t name, but I regularly refer to it as “the anus of New York state”. On the other hand, weed has also been a precursor to many of my best sexual experiences in the past, so you can sense my dilemma. Regardless, I felt that something was off, beyond what I’ve already pointed out. She seemed like she wanted to hang out RIGHT AWAY. This chick was cute in a real kind of way, like she wasn’t outlandishly beautiful like an obvious scam account might be. I’m a 6 on a good day, so she seemed legit for what I tend to pull. She sent me her address to pick her up and I checked the address out online, checked out but something still felt off. So I told her maybe later, I jacked off and then I took a nap hoping it would provide me with wisdom and insight on whether to smoke weed with this stranger. I woke up just as lost, and I was going to smoke weed anyway, so I was like, okay I'll bite. Let's go see exactly what we're dealing with.

I tell her I need to run to a dispensary to grab some bud and I ask if she would like to come with me, she says yes. I pick her up and I see she's followed outside by a girl, who looked like her sister or mom, yelling something at her. She gets in my car and to say I am not greeted warmly is an understatement. I introduced myself and asked her how she was doing, and she responded by asking "What's your name again?". This was not encouraging. Side note, she did not look like she did in her pictures, she seemed like she’d gained some weight, I’m not a bastard I still thought she was attractive, because she was, but she also looked older. I realized the pictures she used were probably from a few years back.

I attempted to engage her in conversation, which was torture. She seemed agitated and fidgety. When she started talking though, she didn't stop. She seemed manic, which is impossible to ignore if you’ve seen it before, I had seen it during a family member's mental episode and countless times while working in a mental health facility. At this point, I wasn’t sure of that fact, but I was beginning to pick up on signs. Her phone was blowing up the entire ride to the dispensary, she said something along the lines of "They're blowing up my phone" and I said "Who's they?" to which she said nothing. She didn't say "nobody" or "nothing don't worry about it", she just didn't speak. I would come to discover this is her baseline, she would respond to like 3 out of 4 of my questions. A quarter of the time she just responded in silence, which was off-putting to say the least, but also sort of hilarious in retrospect. She is telling me about her life and how "they took her license because they said I was drunk" which is an elegant way of describing a DUI. She tells me about how she is out of work and lost multiple jobs for fighting coworkers. She is not describing this in a cute look at me kind of way, she's describing it in the way where she doesn't realize how wild what she's saying actually is, or maybe she just didn't care. I quickly realized what predicament I had gotten myself into, I was driving at highway speeds with a person experiencing a mental episode. I turned to avoid a pothole, and the way she reacted you'd think I was heading towards a wall at 100 miles per hour. She would periodically wince in pain and grab her forehead, I ask her if she's okay and she would say yes or just not respond. We get to the weed store and I haven't ever purchased bud so fast in my entire life, she insisted on coming in which seemed preferable to leaving her in my car, but in my head the entire time I'm waiting for her to flip a fucking lid on some poor employee. We get out fine and I start driving back to our town while listening to her wax poetically about her awful life through the lens of what I assume was her schizophrenia or some BPD. She kept saying the n word, and I wasn't shocked because most SoCal Latino city girls do, but she was hitting the hard r unintentionally every time and it really tripped me out I almost laughed. I remember asking her "Who are you closer with, your mom or your dad?" to which she replied, "Neither". She just got done telling me how she goes back and forth between their houses every few months and that she kind of "lives all over". She also described how she had a terrible relationship with all her siblings. Beyond this, her body language was way off and I knew there was no way I could ever let this individual know where I lived, so I suggested we smoke at a park right around the corner from where she lived. I didn't want her smoking weed, because who knows what that would do to her in this state, but I knew for sure it wouldn't help. I asked her when the last time she smoked was and she said “earlier today” so I figured it would be fine. I wanted to part ways then and there but I couldn't explain that to her in a way where she wouldn’t freak the fuck out. We are talking about someone with a formidable temper, as evidenced by her entire life story she just got done telling me. By the way, I cannot understate the mania I'm watching in my passenger seat, it was becoming very obvious.

So we get out and find a corner of the park and she begins rolling up the blunt. It was dark out and she became agitated at me for not holding the light "the right way" so she could see. For a brief moment, we are actually engaging in a somewhat decent conversation. This did not last very long. At one point she lifted her arms and smelled her armpits for what was longer than is socially acceptable. I asked her if she smelled good, kind of jokingly, and she said flatly “No, I stink”. We started smoking and things went from bad to worse, as predicted. She stopped communicating with me entirely. She began laughing and muttering to herself, and when I asked what was funny she did not respond. She began grabbing at her head and wincing in pain. She was literally rocking from side to side like she was in severe pain, BUT SHE WASN’T RESPONDING TO ME. She looked possessed by a demon, which in retrospect puts that entire phenomenon into perspective for me. How many schizophrenic people got demons exercised because no one knew about mental illness? Anyway, I am now stoned hanging out with someone in DEFCON Delta mental illness mode and let me tell you, they are not good companions. I am sitting there waiting for her to pounce on top of me and start stabbing me with a knife, or screaming rape or something at the top of her lungs. I am petrified. I was like, "Hey, how about I walk you home?" she said "Walk?" and I explained how I wanted to walk since we were so close, literally a five-minute walk up the street, and I wanted to sober up a bit before driving. The real reason was I did not want this person in my car. She did not respond to this. It seemed to make her more agitated. We were just sitting there in this silence while she tweaked out, it was consuming my soul. I had to leave. I told her I was going to leave and she said she wanted to hang out and asked why I was leaving. I made up some bs excuse about having to work in the morning. She then asked “Well can I have some weed?” and I felt so bad for her that I gave her like half the bag. Even in my panic I knew I was going to need the other half of that bag later so that I could forget about what I just experienced. We got up and left and I watched her walk away, muttering to herself. I realize now that the texts were probably her family realizing their mentally ill relative is leaving to go smoke weed with some guy she met online. I didn’t consider that at the time because she was a grown-ass 25-year-old woman, and I did not know she was totally Looney Tunes. Either that or the texts were from the guys laying in wait planning to surprise mug me. I got home and was so shaken up. I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed. I felt like I was in actual danger being around her. She immediately unmatched me on Tinder, I was so paranoid about her claiming I did something I didn’t do, as crazy people are to do, but luckily she texted me “Thank You :)” which made me laugh because what the fuck, but that also covered my ass a bit. I responded, “You’re Welcome!” and left it at that. Then two hours later I got a “wyd?” text. I’ve resolved to never contact this person again in my entire life. I like crazy women but not like that, this person was cracked out. I do feel bad for her, she was obviously going through something, but sheesh what a drag. Be careful online dating folks.

TLDR: I met up with a Tinder match who was in the middle of having a full-blown manic episode.

Why Do Guys Wanna Show Their Cock?Question ❓

I FaceTimed a guy I met OLD, and he asked if I could FaceTime him while he’s in the shower. He said his dick would also be in the frame. I said I was good.

Why do guys wanna show their dick all the time??

do I like older men?Question ❓

I (26F) have always been drawn more to older men. For reference im in a long term 7yr relationship with (27M) … But I find myself staring and wanting or admiring men twice my age. I’ve always dated someone 1-3yrs within my age. And not on purpose just how it’s worked out. But im still just drawn and always checking out or eye fucking older men. Those silver fox handsome daddies oof. Anyone else? Is this a preference or a kink? I don’t even know what I don’t know

Questions to ask my BFQuestion ❓

I (22F) is in a relationship with my (28M) boyfriend for the past 5months. I need your help with some deep questions that will let us talk deeply and bring us more together as we get to know each other more. I would also like some game suggestions and date nignt ideasss that can be unusual. I truly appreciate all the help!🩷 Questions could be: sex related, relationship related, life related… Any question that can lead to a whole conversation and connections

Did losing weight help you get a partner?Question ❓

I’m a M25. Currently about 260 pounds at 5 feet, 9 inches. I carry my weight really really poorly, which in my eyes makes me very unattractive. I imagine women feel the same way, as I have had no luck dating on the apps or in-person. I’ve been overweight since high school, so it’s affected my entire dating life. I’ve never been in a relationship and I think a big reason is my weight. Both my physical unattractiveness and my mental issues with confidence and self-esteem surrounding it.

I’ve been desperately wanting to lose weight for years. The last few weeks however, it’s kind of all starting to click and I’m not half-assing it like I was before. I just want to know how successful people were on finding partners after weight loss, because honestly that’s my primary goal. Sure I’d like to be healthy and all that stuff, but getting a girlfriend is priority #1. I know how lame that sounds but that’s just the way I feel. I’ve never had that person in my life and I want them, desperately.

So, did losing weight increase your opportunities and potentially help you find a partner?

What's the Most Creative Date You've Ever Been Taken On?Question ❓

I once had a guy take me on a surprise city scavenger hunt, ending at a rooftop picnic he prepared. It was so thoughtful and fun!

being single sucksSupport Needed 🫂

everyone around me is dating and i am happy for them the thing is it feels horrible to be a single person around feel’s somewhat alienated… bros who feel the same how do you survive this stuff🥲.

Guy being overly critical of my taste and preference: Is this a red flag?I Need Advice 😩

Hi, everyone,

I've been seeing a guy I met on a dating app for about two weeks. We hit it off and have been having nice conversations about family, life, and other topics. He seems to be intelligent, funny, and outgoing, but there is one thing that bothers me about him: he is overly critical of my tastes and preferences whenever they don't align with his.

He criticizes my music taste, clothing brand preferences, my cat's name (saying it's a masculine name for a female cat), and many other little things. I initially brushed it off as a 'joke' since he seems to love joking around with me, but this has slowly taken a toll on me. For example, yesterday while we were having dinner, I casually commented that the lady who passed by us had a nice perfume on. He immediately shut me down, saying, "Ew, that is a trash perfume."

When I pointed out to him that his negative comments have been bothering me, he replied that he was simply sharing his thoughts as he is an 'honest guy' and that I am being too sensitive.

He is a 34 year old man with a decent job and social life. But, here is some of the limited vocabulary he uses to express his negativity: "ew," "disgusting," "trash taste." He criticizes like a toddler.

My friend thinks he is just being a 'jokester,' but I think this is a major red flag, waiting to get worse and worse. Am I wrong?

Why do I hate men after I’ve had sex with them?I Need Advice 😩

I'm a very sexual person and have had many amazing experiences with previous partners. However for the past four years, I've been unable to have sex with potential partners without feeling resentment towards them, leading to eventual breakups. While I still enjoy sex I've been resorting to pleasuring myself with my toy. Even if I find a man attractive, after having sex with him, I end up finding him intolerable.

I thought this feeling would end, but it's been four years now, and I'm 30. How can I overcome this?

Sex relationship advice I Need Advice 😩

So my partner (18M) and I (19F) have recently gotten into a relationship after knowing eachother for about 5 years but only recently properly reconnected after he left school back 5 years ago and then eventually reconnected with him. The love and connection is fine. My issues is I’ve always been quite a big sex person since I was 16 trauma didn’t help with that (please don’t question it). He on the other hand is a virgin. A couple times he asked me to take his virginity but didn’t felt right doing so. We would just do the other things like touching and tasting. Small and not too much to overthink for either of us. We’ve done that quite a few times now. I would always ask him if it was ok, ask if he wanted me to stop or even telling him to tell me when to stop and I would. I gave him the option of trying on a condom and he almost instantly went soft. So I stopped and asked if everything was ok. He said he was embarrassed and I told him that it’s fine and is natural to not be ready or a little anxious about it. Then he asked me again the next week to take his virginity and the same things happened this time. I feel I should let all the sex things go. I’ve just always had a high sex drive something I can’t fully control but have ways I can make it less. Another thing with the “sex” is he’s waaay more of a bottom he likes to be scratched and choked where as I am also a bottom which I don’t mind being a top but not all the time but in this situation I am. I feel stupid for feeling all this. Am I bad person? I know I’m only young but this is different for me and have also always the one to date older and more masculine. He is the only one who’s (so far) treated me better than anyone else really has. Any advice or anything?

3 dates with a women and now a pull backI Need Advice 😩

Hello all, had 3 dates with a women. Things have been good. But after a call last night she sent a text. ( some times things seem to be going quicker than i thought they would, so i pulled back a little ) i did feel her change towards me this week, less texts and so on. We both agreed to go slow, and we are this is super slow. Kissed a few times, held hands a few times no sex yet. Our dates are in public so far. She was divorced this year and has a kid.

She also said i really appreciate my patience and understanding and how thoughtful i am with her.

Shes not told me shes not interested, but certainly i feel the pull back. Now we are still ment to have dates this monday evening and saturday evening next week.

Fully on board with going slow, i want that also. But from what the conversations have been like to today, it’s night and day. I guess internally i am a little shocked and i guess my only real choice is to wait till shes contacts me now.

Any advice ?

I tried to post this earlier but it got took down

Thanks all that reply

I’m calling it quitsSupport Needed 🫂

Genuinely, my heart hurts. I am tired of putting myself out there and find someone I like for it to be thrown back in my face or end up hurt. I’m tired, sad and just over being let down over and over again. I’m done dating right now. 😪

As a Bisexual Male, Why Do SO Many Men Like My Profile But Women Dont?Question ❓

Pretty self explanatory. I like both men and women and set those as my presences on apps like Tinder, Bumble, etc.

If I have my preferences set to women, I straight up don't get likes, I get like 1 like a day or so.

The instant I set it to men it explodes and I get like 30+ likes a day. What the hell is up with that? I'm not complaining but maybe a little self conscious, maybe I'm not attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex or something? Thanks for your time all!

Edit: to all the people saying it's because I'm bisexual, my sexuality isn't listed on my profile, thank you.

Boyfriend says I can sleep with women, should I? nsfwI Need Advice 😩

I (30f) have been with my boyfriend (29m) for just over a year. He knows I’m bisexual and have dated women previously. He has told me on several occasions that he is fine with me sleeping with women if I want to. I expressed to him that I don’t need to cheat or be with women, maybe one day a threesome would be fun, but I don’t have an issue with monogamy (never been in an open relationship or anything before). But he insists that I can and he says it’s not cheating and he isn’t going to be doing it himself.

I think he just thinks the idea of me with a women is hot, but should I actually do this or is that a bad idea?

TLDR: I’m bisexual and my boyfriend says I can sleep with women if I want, like a one sided open relationship. Is this a good idea or a trap?


Share your experience sa narcissistic person na nakilala niyo and paano niyo na survive

Do dateing apps just take time?Question ❓

I've(M28) matched with a couple of people on some dating apps and sent intro messages to ask them more about themselves and have yet to get a response from any of them. Does it just take time to get someone who actually wants to have a conversation?

Woman (30) told me she wants gifts and come to my apartmentI Need Advice 😩

So, I (46M) have been chatting with woman (30F) who finally sent over her number and we talked over the phone. I suggested we meet up for a coffee/ walk date. She said she doesn’t what that - she wants wine, for me to buy her shoes, bags and take her to my apartment after. She’s only in the city for an internship and will go back after 2-3 months. I guess she’s trying to make the most of her time away from her parents (I’m just assuming that since I don’t know her well yet). What should I be doing? Take her to and buy her - Brunch, message, nail salon? I don’t think I’m buying her shoes or other fancy expensive stuff right off the bat but if we really like each other, I could later on. She’s really pretty, looks wise totally my type, and she finds me attractive too I suppose.

I’m into mature woman, but I can’t find any to have a relationship with me [28]I Need Advice 😩

Please help me with advices, I want to date mature womans, but they want only sex from me. I want to have a stabile relation with them. Any help?

30 year old man needs Dating App adviceI Need Advice 😩

Hello everyone,

I'm writing to you today about my current experiences with online dating and would really appreciate any hints, tips and advice. I've been using Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and okcupid for almost six months. My profiles are completely filled out with relevant, necessary information. My profile contains information about my hobbies, adjectives about my character, left-wing political interests, pro-feminist attitudes, goals I am currently pursuing and that I am looking for a serious relationship. I use the apps to actively look at women's profiles, swipe and send initial icebreaker messages. In these icebreaker messages, I write to the women that I notice common interests on the profile and ask questions about these interests. With Hinge there is no other way than to like by sending a first message. The problem is that I have never received a reply in six months and not a single serious match has been made. One thought that might now arise is that these dating apps are very superficial and that I might not look attractive enough. My profiles show that I value my health and enjoy doing sports (running, swimming, bouldering). I do not show pictures of unnecessary naked body parts. I am aware that attractiveness is very subjective. Unfortunately, these apps are based on exactly that. I am very interested in suggestions to improve my dating app experience. If you need more information please let me know. You can also send me a direct message. Please understand that I may not be able to reply immediately if this is necessary.

When to try new thingsQuestion ❓

At what point (other than when we're comfortable) do we try new things in bed like oral or toys

Also, what are some other positions that aren't normally tried

Dating is so frustrating and I’m so over it!nsfwJust Venting 😮‍💨

I,27F, started talking to 26M a couple days ago, everything was going well. He is super into fitness and I told him I was working on reaching my goal weight and I sent him a side picture to show him what I was talking about losing. He responded “you’ve got a great ass. I bet back shots would go crazy”. I just laughed it off. Then today he tells me “I can’t be with a girl like you because you didn’t wait til marriage to have sex”. EXCUSE ME?? Mr. Backshots??? I physically cannot talk to any more people. I might actually go insane.

ETA: I am not completely off men. I was just venting as I tagged in the post.

TL;DR - got told by a man who told me he’d give me “back shots” that I was undateable because I didn’t wait until marriage to have sex.