Finnish Sea Naval Officer


Post-Modernist Screed Writer

Thankfully, there's an easy way out: invent a detailed conlang and use it to name things!

I'm half a dozen conlangs deep send help

Determined Exterminator

In an average Stellaris universe, joining Trazyn's collection is still a net positive.

Post-Modernist Screed Writer

Reads D&D v3.5 Monster Manuals I-V Oh, cool, lots of creatures for my high fantasy setting! It'll need to be nice and big to fit all of them.

Watches documentary series about the politics of the World Wars We'll need to add some political manoeuvring, tons of agendas, and groups working together despite having different end goals. It's fantasy, so we'll need court intrigue!

Plays Halo: Reach And it must be gritty military sci-fi.

:ODST: Pleasure jumping with you, Spartan

So, it was built in to the Spartan-IIs, even if it wasn't built in to the original, unaugmented children?

Your DM is terrible and suppressive and oppressive and tyrannical and you should either group-bully the DM into accepting your creativity or find a new DM (try spamming poorly-worded, entitled-sounding posts on r/lfg!)

Rules Lawyer

It looks like the GM might be better off running PF1e, PF2e, D&D 3.x, or maybe even D&D 4e. A lot of these options are already rules in those systems.

That said, these aren't particularly bad house rules, and it's good that they've been stated beforehand and clearly laid out for the players.

The login service for Xbox is down as of this post, which means that you can't log into Minecraft or other related services.

Senātus Populusque Rōmānus :spqr:

Redditores hic pluribus linguis loqui amo. Forsan turris Babel homines linguis magnificis beavit.

Illuminated Autocracy

You can always disable migration, dump them all on a tiny habitat orbital on your border, and either turn the orbital into a vassal or donate it to a neighbouring state.

:ODST: Pleasure jumping with you, Spartan

Not sure about the ODSTs, but the spartans all seem to be missing in action

/uj Absolutely. TRPG worldbuilding must occur with the game system in mind. This is one huge reason why simply putting mediaeval Europe or the ancient Mediterranean or whatever else through a name scrambler does not produce a coherent setting.


Taken very literally, that translation is accurate. However, without more context, it's hard to say if the Latin is accurate to the author's intended meaning.

/uj In PF1e, that may be possible. In D&D v3.5, dispel magic can potentially dispel every single buff on a creature or area at once.

Regardless, what you're describing is a first-strike scenario: if the all-caster party can disable the enemy team immediately, then they win. If, however, the balanced team can get the martials into range to wipe the squishy casters immediately, then they win.

If both teams are that focused on offence (damage output and control spells) to the exclusion of defence (HP and saving throws), then whoever hits first will win. That holds true regardless of the composition of the respective teams.

In D&D 3-based games, casters can be good at dealing damage, but they suffer from a variety of weaknesses in that department. Obviously, if they rely on direct damage spells, then they can simply run out of spells. If they rely on buffing themselves to enter combat with weapons, as clerics often do, then they can keep pace with martials whilst their buffs last but fall behind once the buffs fade.

Generally, martials tend to drive the fight by having more health and damage than anyone else, whilst squishy casters sit around the edge trying to buff their own team, debuff the enemy team, and occasionally deliver damage that would be inconvenient for their allies to deliver (e.g., using magic missile to take out a wounded archer).

Of course, if you're playing a different system, then the balance is totally different from what I've described. For example, in D&D 5e, casters have fallback damage output from unlimited cantrips, but they can't stack buffs very well. This encourages casters to keep one concentration spell going--buff or debuff--then spam damaging spells of various strengths. Since 5e's martials have lower damage output, and monsters have more hit points but less damage, fights tend to end up with every party member dealing small amounts of damage rather than being dominated by the high, sustainable damage output of martial characters.

/uj That depends on the abilities of martials and casters in the system. In, say, D&D 3.5e or PF1e, martials have high reliable damage output (and lots of hit points), whereas casters have, at best, moderately reliable and strictly limited damage output (and few hut points). Casters that aren't wrapped in their own buff spells are extremely vulnerable to martials, strictly worse at dealing damage, or both.

The end effect is that every party needs a caster to counter other casters, but every party also needs martials to deal actual damage and to survive cases where enemy casters neutralise the party's own magic. A party without martials could get wiped by a balanced enemy party that dispels first and sends the barbarians in second. Conversely, a party without casters could get wiped by an enemy party that can buff itself without any challenge.

/rj Friendship is magic, so playing martials means not having friends.

Post-Modernist Screed Writer

I love villains with theoretically good motives and practically horrifying methods. In some genres, like most RPGs, that makes them barely different from the heroes!

:ODST: Pleasure jumping with you, Spartan

By UAV, do they mean sentinels?

/uj Magic that hard-counters magic is a great way to encourage players to play martials or at least not be spell-dependent. We need more of it in TRPGs.

Rules Lawyer

In addition to all the other issues with this prospective player, generating ability scores is really easy to do manually. Heck, you only even need to do it once. The basic addition involved is no harder than the basic addition involved by mid-level gameplay in v3.5.

Being mad about having to do such a tiny amount of mathematics is quite strange and seriously entitled.

Gambling but every slot pull consumes as much energy as the entire casino down the street does in an hour

If Karl Jobst can raise enough money to defend himself against the unpopular but less famous Billy Mitchell, hopefully Coffee will have little problem raising money to defend himself against someone as unpopular and famous as Logan Paul

Illuminated Autocracy

Clearly, it's food for the lithoid bio-trophies

:ODST: Pleasure jumping with you, Spartan

Forlorn saxophone

It sure is a good thing (or maybe a bad thing) that those two languages have a similar word order...