You can cut and dice it any way you choose to suit your narrative and ignore the obvious conclusion, how can two set of scientific tests on sea level be so different , 3inches in the last 20 years or 8 in the last 30, that leaves 5 between 20 and thirty , so the rise is either falling or it’s just BS science , you choose

As usual the so called science isn’t credible. A quick search reveals this from sealevelrise.Org “Although the sea level has risen by 6.5 inches since 1950, nearly half of it (3 inches) has occurred in just the last 20 years. “ so which is it ? Depends on who’s paying for the research I guess

A future government can try balance the budget as best it can and go for growth , that’s the only way to get things under control. The price of trying to cut spending is so onerous that most bottle out and just repeat the cycle pushing the issue down the road , most countries are doing this and are now painted into a corner. USA now needs 1 trillion a quarter new money just to stand still, they won’t default ever but eventually inflation will get them

When you are looking to rent test everything works before you agree anything , leave no stone unturned, water , toilets , every Aircon, fridge washing machine oven , test everything, take your time because Maltese landlords are a law unto themselves and don’t trust agents , they are just as bad liars .,they simply dont get things fixed once you are in. Also make sure your rent contract is registered with the housing authority to try protect you. Very important! Don’t expect your deposit back at the end , you need to not pay your last months rent. Ask your employer for help and advice on all this stuff

I guess we’ve got about 8 years before we see catastrophic weather just as they predicted in 1980 for 1989 and again in 1990 for 2000 and so on , or was it another ice age in 1970 ? , I can’t keep track

Most people need to someone to look down on so they can raise themselves above , the Maltese’s have been stepped on by just about everyone so they try and raise their low self esteem by looking down on Arabs and Africans in particular . I often think low self esteem is Maltas national disease as I see it all the time

Some people think bacteria is so dangerous , it can be but mostly your immune system just kills it , if a dude doesn’t wash his hand after peeing (and let’s face it , every bloke has done it) the world isn’t going to end and everyone he come into contact with isn’t turned into a zombie . Stop worrying about nothing and get on with life

Question , if you go on a dating site and you see a person you like , is the fact that they have out themselves out there an invitation ? I met my partner of 20 years by responding to their profile, I didn’t wait to be formally invited and when we met I definitely felt recognised , it’s by far the best relationship I’ve ever know. Was the profile an invite ?

I didn’t realise that automated computer based systems took days off , just saying , lucky I didn’t fly on 1st May , could have been tricky

If adultery was a crime 75% of the population would be in jail , men and women , don’t be ridiculous, it’s life , not the best but but it’s been like this in all recorded history

Don’t do anything other than be yourself , trying to fit in with another never works out well in the long run , any hiccups over cultural differences are easy to work out if you are serious , she’ll let you know

It’s a bit like golf , is it a sound financial proposition, definitely no , it’s as frustrating as hell but it’s a lot of fun , everything doesn’t have to be about the money

That’s not the question is it , what can you do about it if it is human caused ? So far countries have spent up to COP28 and still can’t agree how , the U.K. sells itself as a leader on its way to net zero then hands out 100 new oil and gas drilling licences for the North Sea , you really can’t mKe up the level of hypocrisy and bullshit around climate change, if it’s human activity we had better get used to new weather patterns

Totally agree. Was introduced to hd at a major junction in my life. On a day that was to be the exact moment when I transitioned from corporate life to becoming a therapist. In fact in an hour the universe forced me to believe in a universe that simply wasn’t Newtonian but made of other stuff that’s much harder to understand. Hd was a part of this

A resident arrived home by car without an accident