Yeah there definitely is. Even Tyler1 has acknowledged it. Some other guy said there is a video or paper disproving it, but when you play as much as Tyler1 and I do, experience says otherwise, no matter what riot wants me to believe.

My rule in school was to always sit next to the hottest girl but, since I don’t see Rek’Sai, I’ll sit at table 5 with Morgana

I think no one’s good at jg because no one wants to play it enough to get good at it. If anyone ints their lane, it’s always the jungler’s fault. The dragon got stolen because the team didn’t kill or zone off the enemy jungler? Jungle gap. You assist in killing both enemy top and mid laners then start voidgrubs, but then you get solo killed by the enemy jg, because your top and mid laner went back to base? Jg canyon. I think most people just don’t want to deal with all that for multiple games in a row.

I’ve only ever seen my own, but the size is amazingly accurate, as well

What should she do if the dad denies it and says she’s lying? We already know he is a bad person because he tried to get with his own son’s gf, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled something like that.

This is so true. If I don’t get a leash, I just end up farming jg for longer to catch up, then there is no good gank bot, because my bot is pushed up

Jg is constantly roaming around the map and helping his teammates while they flame him all game. Now adcs are getting mad that they have to help the jg for a few seconds at the beginning of the game lol. Adcs got that main character syndrome bad

I just started playing again and it seems like the higher the cost, the more the champion sucks. The winner is always just the guy who donkey rolled for the most one costs

Me too. I already thought Maokai was pretty annoying before they invented this card.

The Indian guy adds no value to the clip. You could completely cut him out and the video would be the same

I tried hyper rolling for 3 star 1 and 2 costs when I started playing, but I kept losing so I started saving my money so I could make 2 star 5 costs and then I started winning a lot more. I’m not a pro or anything but that’s what worked for me

To say that you should never leash is pretty dangerous. If you don’t leash but the enemy does, you are basically just giving free scuttle to enemy jungle and delaying ally ganks in return for bot prio. You are making a trade. I’m not saying it is always correct to leash, I’m just pointing out that jg is kinda like a chess match, and by not leashing, you are making a trade: jg disadvantage for bot advantage. You just need to analyze when the trade is worth it. Don’t just say “jg never needs leash”.

When I read this comment, I just couldn’t get the word “pretentious” out of my head

Fr, redditors are so obsessed with Trump, you would think this would be at the top

It’s all about what you value more. Leashing allows jg to gank faster, and not leashing allows the bot laners to have lane advantage. I, personally, think giving the jg a boost to make plays around the map is more important than the bot laners hitting lvl 2 first.

Illaoi is League’s equivalent of that one annoying kid in the neighborhood that no one likes

Who is Pinwheel? Sounds like an animal from Viva Piñata

The 100% mortality rate of CWD would make the 0.01% mortality rate of COVID-19 look like child’s play.

I don’t think you really grasped what I was saying, but FullDragonAlchemist seems to have pretty much nailed it

I started playing in season 3 and I liked the game a lot better back then. These days it just feels like EVERYTHING does so much damage. I feel like it started around the time Riot said they wanted games to be shorter.