:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

The 1999 Gator Bowl was a blast.  It was one of the first times I went to a bowl game as an "adult" after we'd all graduated and had jobs and were married and suddenly I realized how much more fun the old people had been having tailgating all those years while I'd been puking behind a dumpster.  Oh yeah and we beat Notre Dame.

Alien Scum

Ya can't forge steel with a rubber mallet 

I've never had a deer or hog complain that he was killed with an AR so I guess it worked out pretty well.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

Even Pepperidge Farms can't remember the last time A&M won a conference title

This particular thread and all of the folks I've gotten to meet and help has been very rewarding so far.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

Look Stanford, I want to assure you that we are so happy to welcome you guys to the club . . . but we need to have a talk.

Most states have county agricultural extension offices that can provide you with much MUCH better testing and results than the at home kits.  Its generally less than $100 for a test and it can be a real eye opener.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

I guess because I was in college in the 90s I'm immediately reminded of guys like Ty Detmer, David Klingler, Chad Pennington, and Danny Wuerfle that were just slinging it in the 90s.  If a lot of those 90s guys that only had 11 games regular seasons, no CCG, and half as many bowl games had the extra games guys play today - a lot more of them would be on the top 100 single season lists.  

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

Marshall should have the most talented defense in the Sunbelt this year.  Their biggest weakness is that our QBs tend to turn the ball over before the defense even has time to sit down and get a drink of water.


Well the single most important thing to understand about mining is that 99% (not a made up exaggeration) of all mining companies will never mine a single gram of metal, they are only concerned with "mining" shareholders.  It's always planned, proposed, tested, assayed, pilot studied, feasibility studied, permitting, bench tested, and anticipated.  Nobody that is an actual miner ever considers anything a mining stock promoter says to be true until they actually ship a train load of cons to the smelter.  

TL;DR I'll believe it when I see it.

Deep sea mining is one of those things that makes for good television but is unlikely to be a significant part of global metal supplies for a very long time.  It is definitely more of a resource than a reserve item 

Slowly?  They have had it nailed shut for nearly a decade.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

I have been to a little over half of the SEC stadiums and with the exception of Tennessee (which admittedly was looking pretty run down 20 years ago when we went) all of them are absolutely bangers compared to ACC and B12 stadiums. I was actually disappointed when we went to Texas DKR at how bland and underwhelming it was, although to be fair it was during the Herman era and nobody at Texas seemed to really be all that enthusiastic.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

JT Daniels had an interesting but not very memorable career with four different schools 

I worked for a damn good geologist that was part of a team that did a post-mortum evaluation of the BRE-X debacle for some shareholders that were trying to sue somebody. Claude said that even a fresh out of school geologist would have been able to pick the whole thing apart if anyone at all had done even a little bit of due-diligence. The shareholders got gold fever and everybody just kept getting greedier and greedier with zero push back from people that should have known better.

I have been able to find the 150 packs of Fiocchi LRPs at one of my LGS occasionally, but otherwise I think they are going to Ukraine or Gaza or some shit. Let us know if you find any.

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

Yeah, y'all caught a great schedule that very realistic 

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

I actually think you guys turn the corner this year.  All of the playoff recruiting will start paying off. Y'all ain't losing to AZ, they're going to crater this year 

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

Marshall 5-7 and the end of the Huff era  

GT 7-5 and the return of optimistic mediocrity 

:marshall: :georgiatech: Marshall • Georgia Tech

We're not angry, we're just disappointed