She has officially more manual than DAD has ever done in any of these pop ups. (*wouldn’t expect or want her to do it now that she is pregnant but there have been plenty of pop ups where DAD wasn’t pregnant and wasn’t helpful to her team).

I can’t even imagine the money she has spent…travel, hotels, merchandise 🤢🤢

Wonder if any of the mail in entries won😂

I’d be up at the gate asking to take a later flight

You know DAD submitted that question and answer….

Of course she’s going to push it! She has no regard for this baby. Selfish selfish selfish.

If I saw a man wearing a baseball jersey style shirt that said nuuds on it…I would walk very far away while thinking about how creepy he is

DAD is such a lazy ass slob! You can still look nice while you are pregnant!! People with far less means do it ALL THE TIME! I have spent money to dress for an occasion while pregnant, knowing I probably won’t wear it much, because I have decency and pride. And I have way, way, way less money than these asshats.

So much second hand embarrassment watching that

100% would tell a dad the same thing for a flipping CONCERT!!!!!!

ETA: for a performer she has already seen!!

Ha I would tell a dad that! If you are leaving you better be going to work or bringing me food.

This comment made me SOOOOO irate!!! No she’s never had kids, but she has more maternal instincts than you DAD. You selfish, absolute piece of trash!!!!

I know. Get the kid a scooter board attachment. My 8mo th old is in the stroller and my 2.5 year old rides the scooter attachment.

She’s just a lazy ass, pos who thinks she is special and entitled. News flash DUD, you aren’t the first person to be pregnant and must people do it with significantly less help than you.

I live in the south and have had babies in august and early September so I know being hot and pregnant. But I don’t understand why her go to is jeans. Dresses are most comfortable (and in my opinion) most flattering when pregnant and hot.

Kimmy will be dressed up and she has a newborn.

I am just stunned. Is she that obsessed with DAD? I mean return them, get your money, and go buy like 2 pairs of better quality pants.

It can’t be healthy. I just don’t understand. And even if it is what SHE loves she needs to be a damn mom and think about her kids. They probably need to decompress and just go to bed.

But they are….CUTE!!

Haha if I never hear that word again it will be too soon.

Brown, white, black. This family has the most boring wardrobe.

I would think the Daniel Standard would be to give his chair to his father-in-law.

Seriously!! He is really pathetic and it’s soooooo unattractive. Unless your 2.0- then it’s the Daniel Standard 😂🤢😬

Because she has to “rebel” against the norm. Like how she won’t dress up for school interviews