Almost no chance Whitmer is the replacement.

The only reason she's in the discussion is because she "polls well," but that's because she's not well-known nationally. The party is aware of this.

If they pick her, it's a true Hail Mary desperation move because they think the more well-known options are guaranteed to lose.

Goodman's performance is incredible. One of his finest moments. I felt so many different emotions toward his character over the course of the movie.

I work with a handful of guys under the age of 30, white collar work, and they're all very open about supporting Trump. It surprised me.

I don't think there's ever been an election where both candidates have such massive egos.

Well, except 2020 of course.

Sounds like they're protecting democracy by respecting the wishes of Democrat voters who nominated Biden.

Totally agree with Belladonna, Baloff, and Bobby from Overkill. Annoying as hell.

Dane grew on me over the years but is sometimes too much.

It's slowly happening in Europe because the same thing is happening there but even worse.

Here's a chart that shows how much immigrants contribute/take from Denmark's economy. Somalis contribute the least: 

Edit: Great article on Denmark's "conservative" approach to immigration despite being an overall progressive country: Here's their approach toward Syrian refugees:

While Denmark welcomed 30,000 Syrians in the summer of 2015, since then, and way ahead of any other European country, it has made it clear that it wants them to leave. Unable to deport Syrians, since it has no relations with Assad’s regime, Denmark sent them to ‘expulsion centres’; the message, as one charity founder told the Sunday Times, was that ‘you should stay in Germany or France or wherever. Everywhere else is better than here’.

Her religious belief is as accurate as the belief that it's necessary for a healthy working age person to take the covid vaccine.


My dude, black album guitars are like 8x layered.

Whitmer implemented the most insane covid policies out of every governor in the country. You can't simultaneously talk about Trump's purported authoritarian tendencies while ignoring Whitmer's unquestionably authoritarian covid approach.

A Dong is definitely not the same. And there's more competition and better choices for Vietnamese in DSM nowadays.

I wouldn't trust that Harris poll for a second.

A bed-ridden Biden has a better chance of winning than Harris.

I'm convinced that the bar for issuing these warnings has gotten lower. That was the weakest, most uneventful "severe thunderstorm" I've ever experienced and I live right in the middle of the storm's path.

Conan's podcast was heavily edited and he was asked the most low stress, softball questions imaginable.

If you've experienced elderly family members going through any kind of mental decline, stress and difficult situations often exacerbate their issues. It isn't difficult for them to say "I like ice cream." It's difficult to problem solve and think through complex scenarios.

It hasn't been hidden and it shouldn't be shocking. There have been compilations of Biden stumbling, literally and figuratively, on YouTube for well over a year.

The problem is you need to seek them out, because the corporate press chose not to report on it.

Do you think Ezra was a prophet when he started talking about this a few months ago? Of course not. He'd seen that stuff that many of us had also seen.

The main problem right now isn't optics or who wins in November. It's not Trump vs. Biden. It's that the current president of the U.S. is visibly incapable of carrying out the duties of his office.

I'm 100% confident there is going to be a major international geopolitical event between now and the election and it's because the world understands that the U.S. president is not actually leading the free world.

It was supposed to rain and storm off and on all day, maybe that's why. Although that hasn't really been happening so I dunno. Edit:

Lol, last time Trump was in charge they expanded the government they didn't shrink it.

I never said Trump had a successful presidency. I didn't even vote for him.

As for "no one is talking about this":

A new AP/NORC poll finds 60% of adults saying the U.S. government spends too much, while 16% say it spends too little and 22% say it spends the right amount.

You're interpreting "we need to find votes" as a literal command, not as a colloquialism, which the entire audio of that conversation makes clear was the case.

Most Trump voters want less government overreach, less government power, and less government spending on wars. It's quite the opposite of wanting authoritarianism.

Presidents have always had de facto full immunity. It's why Obama wasn't charged for killing an American citizen in a drone strike without due process.

The show trial case against Trump is what necessitated the Supreme Court codifying it. Nothing has changed except these politically motivated charges against Trump will go nowhere fast.

Sounds like a failure of our justice system. He didnt get the help and attention he needed, that's why he kept committing crimes. This is on all of us.

People are being really unsympathetic here. He may have been going through a mental health episode or he may be from a disadvantaged demographic. We don't know his story.

I voted against Trump twice.

The dictator thing was an obvious joke and it's why people like you need to be ignored.

The Muslim ban is an example of you making a bad analogy. The courts already decided that Biden can't unilaterally forgive student debt, and he ignored it. The Muslim ban executive order, after it was implemented, was challenged in court and then amended. Do you see the difference?