1. Biden needs to step down and announce that he is not endorsing and will let the process play out.
  2. Every single media outlet starts doing tons of polling on potential candidates and how they fare against Trump, and this polling becomes more salient as people look at candidates.
  3. Polling already shows that Whitmer outperforms the competition in swing states.
  4. All of the candidates that form campaigns and file with the FEC immediately start raising tons of money.
  5. Whitmer uses her money to spam the airwaves with "Gretch Did."
  6. For many swing voters outside of Michigan, their first impression of Whitmer is that she did a good job as governor, got funding for schools, cut taxes, and fixed roads. Also that she isn't geriatric. Gretch Did is legit a bop and will form positive impressions better than any consultant-cut ad. Whitmer understands this and formed ties with Gmac Cash after "Big Gretch" for a reason.
  7. The polling disparity between Whitmer and Harris becomes too obvious to ignore.
  8. Whitmer picks a charismatic black man (Booker or Warnock) as her VP to balance the ticket.
  9. Victory against a guy whose favorability rating is significantly underwater.