This is just an illustration. Trump will be after Obama. Your mayor will be after a whole different bunch of people. Say you are one of three electricians in town, suddenly you might find you have a MAGA partner or are shut down in favor of the mayor’s brother in law.

While Trump gets his, everyone else will rush to get theirs.

Edit: More to your point, Will the secret service protect Obama when Trump or the Supreme Court orders them to give him up? Also, Trump will be immune from crime so might just go with few airstrikes to soften up the secret service.

True for our whole history until just this week. The Supreme Court just ruled the President can break the law as long as it is an “official” act.

Many Trump administration officials say Trump tried to get many people executed. They don’t say who exactly. This next go round Trump will have the Project 2025 administration and a Supreme Court willing to do whatever he wants including granting him and his agents immunity from the law.

So, be careful who you elect President.

Well I base my model on about a decades worth of study on fascism and illiberal democracy. I’m sure you have done the same. If not, while you are on your hiatus you might consider studying the rise of Vladimir Putin. There’s a lot of lessons there.

Also, “They thought they were free” is an excellent book about ordinary folks in Nazi Germany.

Enjoy your break!

These peoples ideology has captured The Supreme Court and the next Trump administration. I guess if you are a white Christian theocrat you will be ok. Unless you aren’t the right kind of Christian or are on the wrong side of an inevitable purge.

If only it were hyperbole. The stakes are very high. If J6, the Supreme Court rulings, and the Republican Party in general didn’t convince you of that I’m not sure what will.

Polling by billionaire led organizations…I trust the folks who win elections way more.

The MAGA Supreme Court was pretty vague about what constitutes immunity. Barr and other Trump Administration officials are on record saying Trump wanted to order executions.

Your argument hinges on the goodwill of a vindictive President and a vindictive Supreme Court. These people are going to be violent if they win in 2024.

Then Democrats won in 2024 and managed to undo the anti-Constitutional Supreme Court rulings and keep fascism at bay.

I hope for a peaceful 2029.

MAGA literally say Barack Obama’s wife is really a man. The endless birther conspiracy bullshit spread by Trump himself.

Believe me, the next step isn’t just harassment. We are way past harassment already.

I’m an American and I believe in democracy. I believe in the Constitution and working shit out peacefully.

If the elected Dems come out and say Joe should resign I’ll support them. Until then, we need to focus on beating the Republicans so our kids don’t die fighting each other in the streets.

Guys like you put me at a loss.

Biden beat trump before. Biden has had a great presidency. Biden has a poor debate performance (he is never great at speaking). And the vast majority of elected democrats - people who need to win again in November - say joe is great.

Suddenly we should all change horses. Insanity.

Biden beat Trump four years ago. He can do it again.

Ask conservatives would be thrilled if Biden drops out. That should tell you all you need to know.

Straight to the insults. You claim to be an ally of democracy, but you sound very much like a MAGA.

Seems to be a theme in the sub for the past few days.

Once Biden steps aside there will be chaos and folks like you will be blaming the Dems.

Let the Constituion do its magic. If joe has trouble the. Kamala. It’s much simpler and lower risk.

Government needs to solve the problems facing the people. There are almost infinite ways to solve problems. Conservatives favor minimal government involvement whereas liberals favor more government. Both liberals and conservatives can be progressive.

Fascists create problems then refuse to solve them. Fascists make up problems then claim the government isn’t doing anything to solve the problem.

Biden is a nice mix of conservative and liberal.

Republicans are fascists.