I really don't understand all the fanboys who still cling to this ride. It used to deserve the acclaim but now it's just painful. No, I didn't ride in a middle seat, but that shouldn't matter - it's a problem if 2/3 of the seats give bad rides and potential injuries.

Hopeless even with progressVent

I went to the OBGYN today and I don't ever want to go back. I told her all my problems and she just stared at me. Wasn't mean or anything but didn't offer any empathy or anything. Like their only job is to do impersonal tests but I don't feel safe going there for that. I'm progressing with dilators but I don't know when I'd ever be comfortable with an exam; they might just make things worse.

Plus I'm fat and autistic and my boobs haven't developed right. I can't have sex because of vaginismus and even if I could no guy would ever want me. I feel so worthless and dehumanized. I'm not a woman, I never have been, and I don't want to be nor will I ever be one because I can't relate to women. I'm so sick of everything and don't want to deal with it anymore.

So many different reasons, both physical and psychological. For me it's a combination of anxiety, emotional trauma, hypermobile and hypertonic pelvic floor (from holding in pee as a kid, several tail bone injuries, history of constipation and chronic UTIs, etc. etc.) Whatever causes it, it's not fair.

Nope, I can't figure that stuff out. I'm lucky my hair type is low maintenance: just wash and brush. But it doesn't look as good as it could because you can do those things wrong too apparently.

That's a good point. Unfortunately if you're looking for lighter options it's extremely limited (even more so if you have any dietary restrictions, which thankfully I don't)

Too painful for me to enjoy it. I shouldn't feel like I'm about to get a concussion from a ride. It's a shame because that first drop is so incredible, if only the latter half or so of the ride wasn't so rough it would be one of my favorites for sure.

Edit: First time I rode it several years ago, it was one of my favorites at the park. Since then it's gotten worse. Went on it yesterday and it was slightly better (i.e., no whiplash) but it still wasn't bearable with all the head rattling.

Lots of people ordered the Chinese food, and they don't even have that now. So I don't really think product sales is a decent excuse. There's just few food places there in general compared to other parks, even things like ice cream are kind of hard to find.

Great Adventure Dining OptionsRANT

Wow are they abysmal. Six Flags has never been known for its food but things have really declined at Great Adventure. So little variety and if you're looking to eat healthier (or have any dietary restrictions whatsoever) you're screwed. Even Six Flags America has better options. I really hope the merger helps improve things - Kings Dominion used to have some of the worst food out there but Cedar Fair recently turned things around and the food is actually great now. Oh well, end of my little rant.

You've got to be kidding me; I was there yesterday and so disappointed I couldn't get the credit.

Strength training is really important if hypermobility is a factor in pelvic floor dysfunction - in this case stretching too much can make the problem worse. Just something to keep in mind; at least in my situation, doing a lot of stretching started to cause more pain and tightness, so I have to be careful with that and focus on building strength in that area through squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and stuff like that.

I'm pretty sure cervical cancer is more common than people think, and testing can prevent like 80% of deaths from it.

As far as I know there's nothing forcing you to get a pap smear. But it is important to get them, just as you should get mammograms. Remember that curing vaginismus isn't just for penetration but health as well. (And if it's not cured by the time you're scheduled for a pap smear, you could probably wait until you are ready, or maybe see if they offer drugs for pain, anxiety, or even anesthesia or something)

I put something positive that if you know you know: mentioning that I have special interests I'm also female so there's probably less stigma/stereotypes associated (at least in this one specific instance)

If you're too scared to touch yourself, just start by looking. When you get comfortable enough, then you can begin to touch and explore your body. Be patient with yourself a d your body.

VWELL Flex Pelvic Wand Product ReviewPromotional Post

I was recently given the opportunity to review the VWELL Flex Pelvic Wand. Here are my thoughts:

It has a nice weight and comfortable texture similar to that of the Intimate Rose dilators. It is easy to use and clean and comes with several vibration settings. Both ends have their own button, making it more comfortable for your hands to maneuver. The smaller end can be bent to fit your body and reach deeper muscles. One of the concerns I had was that the wand would bend too easily, but this has not been an issue; it is very stable and stays in the angle you move it to.

But does it work?

It feels like it's doing what it's supposed to. I've found more use with the smaller end to massage my deeper pelvic floor muscles. It's similar to an internal massage that a pelvic floor physical therapist might do, but more comfortable and with less pain, and you reach deeper spots. I have also tried using it around the vaginal entrance, where I have the most pain and tightness, and I feel that with more frequent use, it could help me progress quicker with my dilators.

So, if you're looking for a pelvic wand or thinking one might help you, the VWELL Flex is a solid, affordable option to try. But, as with any pelvic wand, I would consider it as a supplement to a dilator routine and not a primary treatment for vaginismus.

My older sister got White Wolf of Icicle Creek as our first game on the Wii, and I was fascinated by it. She never got into it but when a couple years later I got Shadow at the Water's Edge. Got to that infamous mirror scene, stopped playing, and was actually terrified for a while and probably had a few nightmares from it. Years later I go back and finish ICE first and then SAW, and then ask my parents for all of them.

I'm a sensitive person and trauma has made it worse. It can be difficult to distinguish learned behaviors from trauma and autism, especially given how likely it is that autistic people experience trauma due to their neurotype.

Advice for Senior Cat w Breast Cancer

My ~16 cat most likely has breast cancer. It has not been tested because our vet said it would be invasive and did not want to risk it. They did not give any information about prognosis other than not recommending getting it treated.

The tumors were small when I first noticed them, but they've been growing over the past few months. She means the world to me and I want to do what's best for her. I'm worried we're giving up too soon when she could be helped extend her life.

Other medical context: - she has renal failure, but the levels have been stable - I think she has an enlarged heart or a heart murmur, but it hasn't caused any complications in the past - a couple years ago she had surgery to remove all of her teeth, and she recovered very well from that - she has arthritis, but is still able to get around (although not as active) and we are getting monthly shots for the pain

So, do you have any advice for what to do in this case? I really need some second opinions.

Yup. Not sure of the origin of the test itself, but a quick search on psychic abilities tests shows it's pretty common/well known. (Can't really speak for the legitimacy of it though, ha)

Cases like this are where I can empathize for the partner. There is a serious issue of communication here. If she doesn't want to keep working on curing the vaginismus, she should communicate that. You seem to be supportive of her, so I understand how that's really frustrating. Seeing as vaginismus is often both physical and psychological, I think you'd both benefit from therapy together if you're both open to it.

What upsets me in my experience with vaginismus is how many men aren't supportive enough, and the condition has made it so difficult to find a partner (even when I am actively working to cure it).

I like Ned until all relationship problems in the later games. I don't like how they're pushing the Nancy and Frank thing.