Bin voll bei dir. Bei Habeck habe ich tatsächlich das Gefühl er arbeitet wirklich für uns als Volk. Schade dass ausgerechnet er so hinhalten muss. Zukünftige Politiker werden es sich merken und vermeiden.

It's not allowed to buy/sell atm. But smoking weed is legal and you are allowed to have weed with you, up to 25g. This is when you are over 18years old.

It is strictly forbidden around child playgrounds, school and kindergarten.

U can ask typical people on the train station, in the Schlossgarten. I'm not buying on the street so I don't really know.

I have a twenty years old piece around the same size and density. Still looks nice and sharp, only the color will fade over time like every other tattoo.

Love your piece, enjoy it.

It's kind of Alien, very relaxing but the movement of the bubbles are so strange.

I can build a faster working machine for 100$. Just need a garden sprinkler, a pump and some hose with adapter.

Seriously, taping the room and floor, preparing power sockets, fill little holes is 80% ok f the work. And I bet it sucks with the ceiling. Also someone has to fill a new bucket every 15 minutes or so.

Wait, that means shaving is gay?

Manchmal fliegen sie sogar gegen Scheiben. Dabei sondern sie kleine Nano-Sonden aus die sich im Haushalt verteilen. Wenn man die einmal in der Bude hat wird man sie nie wieder los. Mit Energie werden die Sonden aus dem 5G Netz versorgt. Wacht endlich auf ihr flauschigen Schlafschafe

Rattenkönige. Da werden die wirklich wichtigen Themen besprochen

Didn't know that, thanks for sharing. Personally, I find it terribly misleading to name 2 Arenas in a small radius with the same name.

The MHP Arena is in Ludwigsburg, which has working lockers.

The only one I know is near Vaihingen/Enz. It's called oberer Seewaldsee. No Idea if sexual activities are a thing there.

Just my father's way to school. But he had more snow I think.

I mean, "infinity" Luck. That should be a lot of Luck

What exactly happened in your head that you thought "awesome, let's touch this fuckers and yes, why not walk in deeper and touch more"?

Biete ihm eine Alternative an. Ein Kissen gegen eine Wand werfen oder so. Gefühle sind krass in dem Alter, sie sind neu für die Kinder. Im besten Fall kannst du die Situation durchbrechen, ansonsten musst du da halt durch. Wir sind keine Roboter die nur zum aufladen nach Hause gehen.

Yes, I have Pixel7. Sometimes my Alarm was very quiet in the morning. I blamed myself for doing stupid things when waking up. But it didn't appear for around 2 months now.