Wow just read the original… I’m a white person with a name that “trips people up” before they meet me. They assume I’m black, Indian or Asian (this is what I’ve been told to my face) and it’s never bothered me. Ever. If anything I like that I have an unusual and unexpected name. Sad she felt the need to mention that multiple times.

That’s cool! I’m not on twitch but I think I’ve seen them post that on YouTube as well.

Most of the Jaboody Dubs videos, started watching his videos in 2008 and he still uploads occasionally. He’s hilarious.

We went on a road trip to Washington, it was an awesome trip but we went through las Vegas on the way home but we didn’t stop. My husband is a former gambling addict, we don’t drink anymore, sounds like a boring time there unless you watch a show. Had a lot more fun camping and stopping at the Grand Canyon.

That reminds me, last year I made the mistake of eating some peanut butter from my Mother in law’s pantry, it looked fine but was the most horrendous tasting stuff I ever had. It tasted like sawdust and something else.. I can’t describe. I was scraping it off my tongue. I saw it expired in 2018, meaning she might have bought and opened it in 2017… so 6 years opened and sitting there 🤢 learned my lesson about checking expiration dates after that. I wonder what peanut butter that’s 20 years old like the one you found tastes like 🥴 if it’s opened anyway.

I was 8 days over with my first, 9 days over with my 2nd and 2 weeks over with my third. I just kept getting more overdue!

My sister was 2 weeks over with her first but then went a week early with her 2nd at 39 weeks, and was right on time with her third. Sometimes it’s just so unpredictable!

But my body tends to go late (later lol) Everytime so I prepare for that.

I’m 35 and pregnant, I vomited every day for 2 months with morning sickness and still feel the urge to vomit sometimes. I’m a little jealous not gonna lie.

The twins on our little league team were some of the best players we had. We live in a small town and I would see them practicing with each other a lot in their front yard. They were also 9 years old. I would be shocked if both of them didn’t always get picked for Allstars.

Once I was in hard labor I threw up anything I ate. Even Jello. It was terrible because I felt starving, I could keep water down though. Definitely eat enough while you can in early labor.

My friend has fake plants in her house, I had no idea they were fake until she randomly told me one day. She had a large one like this, it looked real to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she spent that much money on one considering they seem to have a lot more disposable income than my family.

The Longest Ride, a Nicholas Sparks movie. Ira and Ruth’s romance from the past interested me way more than the main romance.

I had a disapproving mother in law who is a retired labor and delivery nurse, but thankfully she backed off. She doesn’t talk about it anymore. I’ve had 3 home births and about to have my 4th. I hope she does the same for you. If your husband doesn’t want to id speak up to her and let her know it’s not up for discussion and you won’t spend time with her if she talks about it. I’ve had to stand up to my MIL a few times and she apologized and backed off and stopped talking about it. Unfortunately not all MIL’s do even that but you never know.

Babies get so tired they can fall asleep anywhere, like in the high chair when they are eating dinner. I assume it’s talking about that aspect of sleeping like a baby. Lol

I hated playing with couples that would help one another out when one was winning. You’re not supposed to help people in the lead. My husband and I do not do that. We will attack each other and not help each other win 😂

My sister had a home birth with twins! But I don’t think it’s recommended, everything went well though and she had a quicker labor than I did with any of my singletons.

Ken M shared it on his Facebook so I think it’s him. Also still sounds like him. Nobody commented back but it’s still hilarious.

Kids are funny! People commented on my daughters red hair a lot and complimented it. When she was around 4 she started announcing to people “I’m a red head, do you like my hair?” 😂 it’s funny how they can embrace the random comments from strangers.

All I heard was a few scenes from the first season and I never gave it a chance.

That’s when I gave it up too. I was so upset by it and I was so invested in their romance to just end like that?

I know a teen girl named Scottlyn. I hate it.