She is being underhanded and indirect about it but while holding my healthy, happy, home birthed baby she said, “When I had my births (two “emergency” c-sections) I didn’t care what they did to me or my body. My comfort wasn’t a concern. All I cared about was getting my babies out alive and well. I didn’t care what they had to do to me to achieve that.”

I casually took baby after that to go feed her but stayed in my room an extra hour to cut her visit short as I was so upset and shocked at her gall (not the first time) in saying such a thing to my face while holding my baby. I burst into tears in front of DH and told him how much I didn’t want her to hold my baby anymore.. then I still went out and let her say goodbye to baby because she was leaving for a month (lie, she was only gone one week) and while I’m healing I want to postpone drama/confrontation a little bit.

How do I move forward with this kind of behavior from MIL who thinks she’s being the hero for my future kids by shaming my home birth and shaming me? She is shaming me to other family and friends as well.

For a first time mom I had a pretty quick birth (9 hours) with minimal damage (no tearing). I don’t regret my home birth at all except now I have to deal with an already controlling MIL who officially thinks I’m an idiot— yet she still wants to be a very present grandma!

Does anyone else have a home birth disapproving MIL? How have you handled (or would you handle) the relationship when she thinks less of you for this decision? Being wary of home birth is a very common view, so I’m not shocked that she thinks differently, but I’m shocked by her underhanded shaming.