Some people ran the nomination/presidential race as a way to show what according to them the important issues are, what proposed solutions are. If that person then becomes popular, it means that the other candidates need at least listen to these issues, look into the proposed solutions to make sure they do not lose the support.

It is a joke

I'm so sorry it has come to this - with all the Q bullshit and whatnot you can never be sure what someone's intentions are.

It is about rights and treatment of people you know and the people who have a life and a job and are in the process of transitioning. People have seen what happened with gay people in the 70s because they started fighting for their rights and it slowly showed results - in some parts of the world.

What happens in america only shows how bankrupt your democracy is and how far putain has his hands into the asses of the conservatives + how social media companies try to get as many people to their platforms as possible no matter what the consequences.

same with all these kinds of subs - the SciFi subs might be even worse.

Sincerely, a 60 year old

They were one of the nations that defeated Germany - not sure about their status in the aftermath - they were not one of the occupying nations.

Everything seems to have gone easy in Germany regarding getting canadian citizenship, but not so much regarding the child born in the usa

Do military bases have a special status regarding things like citizenship? IIRC certain civil laws do not apply to the people living there.

Not sure why this suggests the demonstrators are democrats - another one of those nice dog whistles. You all need more political parties - even the democrats are more conservative than most parties Europe has

Spotted the republican who is trying to promote the conservative agenda on destroying the american educational system

Yes, they are idiots, no - there is no sign that this is taught at schools/colleges/universities

I ignore toothache - and as a result things got worse than they should have. I sometimes notice wounds and have a hard time remembering how I got them. I once had a cracked rib and it took me half a day.

But I also needed like 30 years to really realize how badly I was neglected.

Thank god not even America works like that. Here is a nice book about a real live Ayn Rand experiment:

If you are interested, here is the title of a book investigating how - according to our current knowledge - hunter gatherer societies in the prehistory functioned: The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity Hardcover by David Graeber, David Wengrow. You might learn something about early societies working based on trust and without government.

Now get off my lawn and turn down that sound you call music

This Pepperidge Farm person must have been very young since it was over 70 years ago.

So you want to live in a world where anybody can commit all the fraud they want and nobody can do anything about it when that is found out?

I think I have a bridge you can buy for a reasonable price.

Read OP's text again please:

We did not do traditional wedding vows. We do not believe in till death do us part. Our vows did include not having children. Our vow was to stay together till staying apart made us happier than staying together will. Staying in a toxic relationship where you hate each others guts just because you made a vow was never appealing to us.

bot accounts have random letters now added to their name - reported

A man got the message that the father of what he thought were his kids, was not him but most likely a brother. Only one problem: he did not have a brother. Turns out he was also a chimera.