:libright:- Lib-Right

I didnt know who to put authleft

This video pops up on this sub every time I come here

:libright:- Lib-Right

I never really thought about the lib right position...cocaine may not be only for selling afterall!

:libright:- Lib-Right

She seems way more skeptical about the status quo, wouldn't that make her more libertarian, not less?

Stuck with an inactive tenancy

I was using the free tier oracle cloud services. I wanted to delete my account thinking it would be easy to make a new one. Since I could not delete it, I deleted the tenancy, making it inactive and useless. I've waited for more than 30 days and I still log in, in the inactive tenancy. I cannot create a new account since multiple accounts are not allowed, even with a different email.

I tried oracle support through a million different ways, all leading to nowhere, their whole system is confusing, outdated and bugged. This is the only relevant place I can say my problem!

Please could someone help? I don't care about the $300 credit for 1 month, I don't care about my old data if I lose them, I just want a tenancy that works!

I'm still amazed by how there's only 1 "standard" sorting contraption. As a non-redstoner (I understand how simple things work tho), I haven't come across the items on the ground design which seems weird to me considering how much I play/watch content of this game in general.

Don't hoppers shuffling items around cause lag as well?

That's what I thought, why isn't this the standard? Why does everyone use like 3 hoppers, a bunch of redstone components, "filter items" and 41 of the item to sort???

What is the cheapest way to make an item sorter? (Java)Java Edition

I am looking for the absolute cheapest the redstone community has come up with (that you at least know of). Extra points if its space efficient too.

It just seems to me, a bunch of hoppers per item is a bit too expensive (no, I won't make an iron farm), not to mention the items you have to put in the hopper for the filter to work.
I would greatly appreciate if you send me some sort of link to a tutorial or image.

Dont use reddit so I just saw your question. Simple, I have a predicate that detects if the player is holding a shovel, then it teleports or summons an interaction entity right on the player. When the player attacks or right clicks, the nbt data of the interaction entity is changed. Detecting that change runs a function that does whatever I want it to + removes the new nbt data from the interaction

I'm from Java but I'm sure you can apply the same philosophy here: Mark 1 armor stand with a tag then every cycle kill all the armorstands that do NOT have said tag!

I'm the opposite of antinatalist and I have many questions about your beliefsDiscussion

This subreddit/movement is the one that makes me struggle to understand the most. I can usually see the point of someone else's view, while still disagreeing, but not antinatalism. Here's some questions/topics I would love to be discussed:

I understand the main reason people are antinatalist is the idea of life provides more suffering than joy. I tend to disagree a lot with this. I can see how someone could have a bad life, but when they are brought up in a good household/neighborhood, things could be way better. Sure, if a couple struggles financially and lives in an awful area, having kids many not be a good idea, but EVERYONE's life is a net negative? On a personal level at least, I feel like life is (lack of a better word) a "blessing". Living can be an amazing experience if you know how and have the opportunity to do so.

What about humanity's progress? I view humanity as the most important thing and I want to help our species to move in a better direction as much as possible. I believe the more people we have, the more advantageous it is for us in many ways such as technological, multi-planetary exploration, having more options to whom we interact with/have connections with.

I've seen some people say they hate babies. Sure, I also hate the crying, kicking, and all the annoying things toddlers do, so I can see how someone wouldn't want to have kids themselves, but not wanting anyone to do so? If someone's pleasure comes from having a family, how does this affect you? (genuinely curious, not trying to be rude).

Overpopulation?? HUH? Since when? This is the reason I struggle with the most. What overpopulation? Maybe some local sudden growth could be a problem, but we are not even close to run out of resources or space for humans, are we? As I stated earlier, the more people live on this Earth the better. I am actually a bit concerned about population collapse (when the population pyramid is inverted and the new generation cannot sustain the old), especially in western countries. Look at Japan; they have lost millions of people, 128 million from 2011 to 123 million today (source: Worldometer). The Yearly Growth Rate has been declining drastically in the last decade and not enough people talk about it.

If there's a main reason I missed, let me know. I would love to see your point of view more clearly through your responses. Again, I don't want to be rude or call you names here, I am just very confused with this whole movement and ideology.

Making something similar. This would be very useful, thanks!

I also made it glow but slightly smaller than a full block so that the glass won't be in the way.

Except the random command that's very dynamic, the command history that's cross world compatible, the ability to multi version datapacks & resource packs, the execute if function, the return command becoming extremely useful, oh yeah and the ability to put variables inside commands that completely revolutionizes commands as we know them...yeah not much really.

After a certain amount of blocks (especially in 3D fills), I would get really big lag spikes/freezes. I don't think the code was working as intended anyway. There were duplicates. The result was as expected but when I switched to armor stands for debug purposes, I could see armorstands that shouldn't have been there. Either way I deleted the old code, its day and night for sure


Oh yeah, I was in the middle of doing fill commands in a similar way, before macros. The algorithm was something like: summon markers every x block until the difference is 0, then on every marker summon every y block...then z block, and set block to something the player will have to type down. The code was done, it was way worse than what we have now, both in efficiency and real time speed.

TLDR: I am using old code/algorithm

P.S. I always struggle with array finding and I didn't know the syntax to specifically search for the id of a specific slot, thanks!

Oh boy, where do I begin? (this is not a complete tutorial)

I use simple raycasting to select the blocks along with some predicates to detect the golden shovel and bucket. Left click shovel = sets position 1 (blue). Right click shovel = sets position 2 (red). Left click bucket = fills area with air. Right click bucket = fills with whatever block is on the offhand.

The highlighted blocks are simply fancy block displays. I get the coords of both, then run an operation to find their difference (look at scoreboard). Then store the score in storage with a namespace and then "coords.x", "coords.y", "coords.z". Same goes with the block I am holding in the off hand "coords.block"

This is where the macros come in! I call the function with storage and then the namespace I have given it (coordinates). So the complete command to call the functions is:

data modify storage minecraft:coordinates coords.block set from entity @p Inventory[-1].id

(Inventory -1 is a temporary solution to find the offhand, WIP).

Inside it, I use the following command:

$execute as @e[tag=pos2] at @s run fill ~ ~ ~ ~$(x) ~$(y) ~$(z) $(block)

Where the first $ is to indicate it's a macro command. Pos2 is obviously position 2 highlighted block. Then I get the variables "x", "y", "z" & "block" from the storage we saved earlier, marked inside "$()" to indicate that it references macros

I believe one of those lines strikes right on my house, where df am I?

I wanted to cover the whole climate spectrum. This is the full world. North is up as always