I think they should get a divorce.

They will both be happier in the long run.

Who wants a marriage that is not real?

He was trying to be nice.

When she couldn't take a hint, he flat out told her he'd rather go alone.

Some people have to be hit over the head to finally get it.

He wants some alone time with his parents and his child.

You are correct.

Too bad OP is stuck with the situation.

No easy way out with a baby coming.

Poor baby.

Yes, I did.

There is no lack of communication at all.

OP communicated his request for help and a more equitable split of household chores.

She communicated her refusal to discuss the matter at all.

Poor child with a mother like that.

Where does he say he expects the floors to be mopped daily?

Anyone who will not help with daily chores for 3 weeks and says just let the house get dirty is not a very clean person.

What kind of a home will that poor child be brought up in?

A mother who would let her baby live in a dirty house rather than clean up a bit.

She is lazy and entitled.

I pity her child.

Yea, you are.

It's no wonder why his children do not like you.

Stay in your own lane when it comes to his children.

She is insisting to accompany her husband when he made it clear he would rather go alone.

That is controlling and authoritarian towards the husband.

From her post it is very clear that she wants to run the show regarding her husband's involvement with his own child.

It is not surprising he wants a few days away from her with his child and his parents.


She is 6 months pregnant and that is irrelevant to the post because her behavior towards helping with household chores has NOT changed due to her pregnancy.

She was lazy and entitled and a slob before she got pregnant.

I think it is just you.

Sometimes it is nice to be with one's parents and siblings without the spouse.

I get the sense that Mom is the one who wants to be in charge of the child.

I think Dad wants to just have a nice time with just his parents and his child.

I think Dad wants his parents to interact with his family without Mom "interfering" or "suggesting" or "helping"

I get that.

Mom doesn't and it is very telling that she doesn't.

Way more than "overprotective" .

OP needs some serious help.

I feel for the child.

She was like this way before the pregnancy, so the pregnancy is not the excuse for laziness.

It's too bad he didn't discover this before the married or before they had a child on the way.

The poor guy is stuck with a spouse who doesn't carry her own weight.


You are too funny to take Reddit so seriously.

What's creepy is Mom so controlling and authoritarian about the child.

Nothing "creepy" about wanting to get away from a controlling spouse.

Very rarely is either partner completely innocent or completely at fault when a marriage of over 20 years fails.

Typically, both parties share the blame.

Sometimes one partner focuses too much on the children, usually the woman here.

Sometimes one partner focuses too much on work or hobbies usually the man here.

That he has "given up" but is willing to stay in the marriage in order not to hurt or disrupt the lives of the children or OP is very telling to me.

He could have look outside his marriage, but he did not.

OP doesn't seem to feel she has to do any of the work to rebuild this marriage.

I feel more sympathy for the husband here than OP.

I'm sure you allowed him to do all that work.

However, you don't trust him unless you are nearby and have left "instructions".

Your husband knows you don't trust him to be on his own with his own child.

He wants some alone time away from you with his child and with his parents.

You could have a point there.

But in my opinion, Husband has lost the loving feelings.

He was honest and told OP.

And now she expects an immediate resolution for something that took years to die.

Husband is making an effort.

I do not get the impression OP is doing the same.

OMG, she is pregnant not dying.

And this has been an issue prior to her pregnancy which makes not mentioning the current pregnancy totally understandable.

If this lazy, entitled, selfish behavior began when she got pregnant it would be valid to mention in the narrative.

But it did not, she has always been this way.

In my opinion, OP is a reliable and truthful narrator.

I think you are jealous of Cara.

You mention her husband's wealth as a reason that Cara and her daughter love him.

You are so jealous, you could spit.

You are being ridiculous.

You HATE her for this reason.

It was stupid and it was never repeated, correct?

You are in desperate need of therapy.

OMG, they is NO mention of a high risk or difficult pregnancy.

She is just lazy and inconsiderate.