I've lived in NYC, Seattle, San Francisco, and now reside in Toledo, Ohio. There are a lot of amenities you may not be used to if you're coming from these larger cities. While Ohio may not have the same abundance of upscale gyms, shopping centers, and extraordinarily nice cafes, it does have its own charm and offerings.

You might not find social hubs quite as hip as Williamsburg or areas with the same level of cultural richness, but there are still great places to experience art, dining, and fashion. The dining scene can be good, though it might not consistently reach the top tier you're accustomed to.

On the plus side, the nature here is beautiful. The metro parks system has lovely trails and offers a great escape into nature. However, it's worth noting that there is quite a bit of poverty, and the median income is generally lower compared to the bigger cities. The weather is another consideration; it gets quite cold, and it rains in the summer.

Overall, Ohio has its unique benefits and challenges, and it largely depends on what you're looking for in a new place to live

Ah yes King County Sheriff Dept at it again

Everyone has their issues in NYC too, maybe even more so 💀

I lived in NYC for a year for a post bach program before coming to Cleveland. How does Cleveland feel like the East Coast? It is a city but definitely feels Midwestern.

A different take: - Cincinnati > any NE Ohio city in terms of “east coast” vibe

when they did that shit in unison I busted out laughing 😂😂

Show me the car fax 🦊


Waiting for someone to actually name a restaurant

With 70-75% on NBME’s you are ready for step and can move your exam up.

These posts are toxic. sEvEnTY fIvE pErCeNT oN mY NBMEs aM i rEaDY is just ridiculous


Shows aren’t even worth it this day and age. An unknown artist/band for $30 is the average with fees another $10 extra.

15 years ago you could see headliners starting at $35. All the profit taking in music shows has made them outrageously priced

Damn that’s hella heart breaking .. free Palestine because this shit is insane to see happening today

To think of all the suffering happening on the other side of the world. The work of Satan without a doubt. Love to Palestine and all the Palestinians worldwide

To all the comments thinking “wtf is going on here” — This.

This comment right here. That is exactly whats going on here. Homegirl got PLAYED thinking she was playing.

TLDR: bro’s over hoes 😂

For anyone who likes nature/forests. The redwoods in California are something to experience for sure, pretty other worldly.

As a nature lover, both Ohio and California are lovely but yeah, different strokes for different folks.

Can anyone verify if this is accurate for the UK? This would be $200 at LEAST in the U.S., but probably closer to $250

I would’ve happily slapped this pussy with my fists a few times if I saw him doing this to some Muslim sisters. Not Muslim or an advocate for violence really ever, but the way he is yanking their coverings and pushing them around I think it would only be justified. He is casually doing this like it’s okay, when it absolutely is not

This got me to laugh out LOUD while half asleep 😂


If a person doesn’t believe in what they themselves are saying, it is hard for them to genuinely stand by their statement. This is the case for any rational person.

There will be a cognitive dissonance if there is incongruence between an individuals beliefs and their speech.

If an individual doesn’t care about what another person thinks, that is because they think or genuinely believe they are correct and the other person is incorrect. This is different than an individual knowing they are incorrect, either consciously or subconsciously — and insisting through their expressions that they are correct.

That is perceived as in incongruence in beliefs and speech, which can be seen from the outside perspective, as is the case with many of the people in the video above, as I mentioned.

Half of them don’t even believe what they are saying themselves. You can tell by how awkward they are trying to engage in a mock discussion. The only dude who has confidence with the shorter brown hair is just a far gone, willfully misinformed sociopath most likely