Blue exorsist manga

I watch anime and I want to start reading manga to So I searched up how many volumes blue exorsist has and it said As of December 4, 2020, twenty-six volumes have been published. But then when I searched it up I found some blue exorsist manga with more than 100 chapters are these chapters not the original I am so confused

You shouldent force a child to be vegan but you also shouldent force them to eat meat and cheese Just becuase You dont like vegans .

Did you draw this It looks sooo real

Wow thank you I feel bad for Sebastian Stuck by ciel forever but it was his decision.

Season 2 the end

at the end of black butler sebastian makes ciel bleed in the water so does that mean he ate his soul and his eyes change color. He aso said he was leaving london What is happening I am so confused someone please explain


Is it just me or when I watch an anime I reamagine myself In the anime and wish that I was in the anime Becuase sometimes I just want to leave this world.


Thank you This made me want to watch Your lie in april and I love this song

like1 or 2 minutes Right after drinking

Runny poop

Is it normal for a parakeet to have watery poop after derinking water and bathing she has normal dry poops but today her poop was watery after drinking water


Parrotlets in general are feisty, affectionate, and willful. If someone wants a great companion they should keep only one bird, because a pair of parrotlets will probably bond closely to each other to the exclusion of the owner.

Males and females can both be affectionate, playful companions. Both require daily handling to socialize and acclimate. They can be hand-tamed and are very interactive. In fact, many parrotlet owners will tell you that their birds enjoy hiding in their shirt pockets or scarves, or riding around on their shoulders.

But it really depends on the personality of the parrotlet you are getting