Quest 1 :quest1: + 2 :quest2: + PCVR

Call me cynical, but the first attempt was absolutely terrible.

One fucks up an ecosystem, one doesnt.

A group of irresponsible dickbags ruined it for everyone. Blame them.

He was one of the dipshits going in with a contaminated boats and is upset he can't continue to contaminate our country's lakes.

It's the best and most comic accurate version of The Fantastic Four.

More people need to see it.

How do you not have ads on your Shield? Mine has ads above my apps. Ads below my apps. No way to disable them.

The religious nut in the supermarket said it would be over when his kid dies. His kid dies, the military shows up. The dad saved the world

We had a retro game store downtown. It was always dead for the year and a half it was open. They also had comics and some collectibles.

Really nice guy ran it, but couldn't make it work.

PC Master Race 8700K - EVGA 3080 XC3 Ultra - 16gb Ram - 1440@144

Which is what you do with The Sims. You buy the things you want. Ignore the things you don't want.

Workers having power is bad.

Owners having power is good.

People have been convinced that workers should be happy having scraps

This is the logic of EA.

Codemasters makes a game. EA releases said game. EA takes the blame for all of Codemasters' errors.

When the cameras are on him while he is standing up on the table dancing during a wrestlers entrance, he is taking away attention from the actual star.

He is mid at best. Him acting like a fan is not what I want from a professional product. If I wanted fans on commentary, I would stick to the local independent companies.

JBL didn't dance on the table and take away attention from the performers in the ring... But I guess that's what good commentators do.

Give me a fair price on physical 4k discs or give me high quality downloads for a fair price and I will stop all the downloading... Until then, Yar matey.

You didn't answer the question.

Who was the labor minister who decided the TFW program needed to expand and gave access to companies convicted of human trafficking?

You can do it.

He was a piece of shit the entire episode.

I got a cheap knockoff of the NLR wheel stand from a store called Uncle Weiner. It's decent. Has some wiggles in it. Also it isn't really balanced and decided to tip over and cause the screen of my Moza FSR wheel to smash into the leg of my chair.

The NLR 2.0 stand shouldn't have this problem. Or any of the 2.0 style knock offs.

Subway workers make your order.

A server at a restaurant does what? Takes your order and drops it off.. asks if your food tasted not shitty and hands you a bill. Demands 18%>

The guy has been a jobber for a year before WrestleMania. Now we have to think he is the scariest member of the roster.