Well they do try and learn quickly what you want or don't want, and how to act around you etc. they see how gullible you are, and if you aren't gullible you aren't worth their time or efforts. So if you have the ability to understand, "wait this is happening a bit too fast, and everything seems too good to be true for a normal relationship!" Then you won't have any issues😂

On a serious note, it is actually really sad how often this happens and how desperate these woman(or men too in cases) are for any bit of attention or what they view as "love." Like Charlotte for example, who I can tell knows she thinks this is really only about Johan wanting xyz, but she's also desperate to hold onto some fantasy that things will be different. Or that it's possible he loves her, or whatever else she's created in her mind. But in scenes like the one where she's waiting in the lobby and he's late, you can see she's already doubting things. Even says as much! But once he's here it's like she blocks all that out, because her dream romance is coming to life.

What her and Sam and the Danielle's and all of the franchise don't figure, is that their actually is someone who'd be willing to date them in the states. The problem is, they want younger men so they can flaunt them and feel that they can show others, "look at me! I'm worth something, and more than you'd think it would be too!" The expectations are insane, the fantasies are worse, and the people are in need of a wake up call. Lower the standards a bit and someone equally as weird or wonderful would be out there....

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀



👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

Just dropping two pics for reference if anyone is interested, I think it was such an extreme before and after with her and agree with you.



👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

You know when you can just tell someone tried really really hard to do their best pose and face for a photo, but it comes out looking unnatural because of said trying? That's what this is😅 And don't ask me why, but the tacky necklace reminds me of a sailor moon cosplay for some reason. It also doesn't even make sense with this, and looks like costume jewelry from a child's box.

Jamaican here, I fucking can't stand that raasclaat eediat! 😒 And then of course the non Jamaican people kept saying, "oh he's just showing appreciation for the culture!! Nothing wrong with it!" Well yeah, I kinda take offense to it. It's the same as when people hear my accent and the first thing out their damn mouths is ALWAYS-"Jamaican Mon, smoke weed everyday ! Jah rastafari !" 😫 WHY do y'all do that by the way, I swear it's like most people are programmed to say one of those three things. (Or all of them😂)

Not gonna lie, the name "Boujie Kidz" doesn't exactly make me feel like I'd have confidence in the brand, or think, "oh that would be something that I'd buy for my kid!" 😅 It just sounds like something you'd find on temu or AliExpress or the likes of those apps


Yeah I meant Shaq, look I'm tired as hell cause I've been watching over my grandma who's dying and I've been getting no sleep😅also I'm using text to speech and I didn't make voice recognition yet, and so it keeps autocorrecting shit to things I never said or words that it doesn't understand🤣

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

One of her last "events" was three people, and two of the three were hired too🤣

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

You probably would've headed to Queen and sherborne to buy crack anyways if you went with her🤣

So I looked online, the only thing I can find is they make olive and sea salt, cheddar , and roasted garlic. The actual plain ones seem to be discontinued, but these flavors are still made with the original recipe for the plain ones. I see these flavors at Metro still minus the plain. It's kind of weird that they'd still have these ones and not just... Plain ones?

Haven't heard that one, I will check it out! I know this one's a bit dated, but I was trying to keep up with the UK theme😅ETA but when i was in Egypt many men did the whole "marry me!" Thing a lot when you passed by. Unlike Nicole from HEA, I didn't just say "okay!" Though 🤣

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

Yes, season four was it for them. But Stacey and Florian are going to be on last resort, and I think Darcey will make a surprise appearance type of deal as a guest that comes in, just not the main cast

This is specifically about the type of situation those two couples are in, and not about everyone else. There's a difference between going to sleep with someone versus knowingly scamming someone. I also don't consider vacation flings "sex tourism," and majority of people who use that term seem to never know what it is.


I am so damn sleep deprived that I sat here half asleep thinking about why Shaq*(damn text to speech made it say 'shack')decided to disguise himself as a prison female guard in London of all places and fuck this person 🤣 and I just know my meme is not being used on someone else for once, I think this about covers what my feelings were for typing this shit out openly🤣

Well next time I'm over at your house I'll just invite whoever I want over, it's no big deal🙄

She was worried that I would have a panic attack just like I did standing there at my own wedding. Honestly, it was bad during my wedding because I was shaking and couldn't breathe, and everyone's terrified reaction made it even worse for me. I had to leave and come back to just me, my husband, and my mother to continue our vows and such while everyone else moved on to the reception. I couldn't even go join them until I was drunk enough to not feel embarrassed.

Alright so I'm going to be real, if this is how you got at your own wedding I can understand why she has worries that you'll have issues at hers. This was your own wedding that this happened at, and that was your reaction. And then you couldn't even attend your own reception until you got drunk? That's not good...

She said she doesn't want to embarrass me again and that she would just feel worried about me the whole time, and was also worried that I would ruin the mood of the wedding if I did happen to have a panic attack. I eventually told her that I'd just rather be a guest if I can't do all the bridesmaid stuff. On the day of her wedding, I was just so sick to my stomach with hurt and sadness that I was merely going as a guest to her wedding that I just decided not to go because I felt so left out.

And see this right here confirms her fears, therapy isn't working out so well if you couldn't even attend as a guest because you were "sick to your stomach with hurt and sadness." Her fears were right, and by the way remember you asked to come as a guest after she told you about her concerns. And you still wouldn't show as one then. YTA and if this is how you responded to the situation at hand, I don't think therapy is going quite as well as you believe it to be.

Tell them they should go fuck themselves, it seems like that probably hasn't been done in a while 🤣

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

Sorry it was the best example for bedroom scenes filming unfortunately, trust me I don't like seeing that goof either😫


Oooh Chile this has pissed me the fuck off where I live, BECAUSE THEY BEEN CHARGING US $3-$3.75 A CAN! and that's been for godamn months and years, most average at 2.75. it's the worst!

I'd tell them fuck it, take your pick between dining table toga or curtain cut. I'll be wearing this or those, nothing else matters! 😂

👀🔎Resudhns With Hamily Evudhns🔎👀

I can't imagine having read many things over the years has helped much either, they don't seem the type to stay away from gossip articles and subs or posts about them. It's the kind of thing that's up to them to not look at though, because everyone is entitled to say whatever they want. I just don't think they have it in them not to. I'm sorry you're son is having troubles currently, I wish you both the best.