Twin Sized Mattress by the Front Bottoms, it’s actually about addiction but the lines about cutting their hair and praying for them to change- honestly as well as most the song- sound very trans.

I literally just tape a new string behind the bracelet and tie it on as if it was already part of the bracelet, Haven’t had a problem so far

It’s a slur buddy, people shouldn’t be calling others a slur regardless.

:nonbinary: Computers are binary, I'm not.

Good analogy


I’m gonna have the unpopular opinion here but I’m ok with that. Honestly, just do it if you like it. Do you know how many kids are born with names from different cultures purely bc their parents don’t wanna be basic? It’s common practice at this point. As someone with Ukrainian heritage, I don’t think you’re appropriating by doing so, it’s a good name, it sounds awesome and unique, do what makes you happy, yolo, if you will.

I think with the exception of medical professionals and people you plan on being intimate with, this is perfectly fine


It’s definitely my worst dysphoria actually. My chest is the second but my chest can be bound and hidden much easier, I was cursed with birthing hips, even if I lose weight I’m still incredibly thicc and I have a feeling they won’t go down as much as I’d like them to with T. I have a great butt, but only if I was a woman, I feel bad bc it’s wasted on me lol

Body looks fine I think it’s jsut too light. Considering this goat has wacky horns and like 6 eyes you’re clearly going for a more creepy look. A black/darker body would look better.

:nonbinary: Computers are binary, I'm not.

Honestly it’s a matter between the two of you that you should talk about, my gf identifies as a lesbian despite me being NB and leaning to the more masculine side of things, including HRT with testosterone. It doesn’t really bother me.

Also, not to jump to the ‘break up’ stereotype of posts like this, but if he’s freaked out and defensive about being perceived as queer that’s not a great sign.

Primordial, Intermediate, Supermasive, Stellar. Ladies and gentlemen, PISS.

Despite what everyone else is saying, I did in fact see it as the barber swirl thing immediately, but it is really bad lol


Beans in the air like she just don’t care

:nonbinary: Computers are binary, I'm not.

You’re already so fucking pretty he’s literally blind


That’s literally so rude and awkward. I’d stop them right there and just be like “get out.”