I (18yo) have gone by the name "Mykie" ever since I came out (first came out when I was 13/14, changed name legally at 15), and I love my name so much, it feels right and like me...But despite this, I've found myself questioning it lately. I don't regret choosing this name at all, I've just noticed recently that I have a very 'average' name. Mykie doesn't hold any definition/meaning to me other than feeling right as my name and I often get asked if it's short for something.

I personally don't really like the name "Michael", so I've always said no to Mykie having a long-form, but I've decided I do want a long-form - something a bit more interesting than "Mykie". I want to choose Mykhailo as my long-form name - but I don't know if I'm allowed to use this. It's a Ukrainian name and does translate to "Michael" in English anyway, but I don't know if I should use this as my name given that I'm not Ukrainian. I'm British (English specifically) and I don't want to appropriate slavic culture or be problematic. Does anyone know if it would be okay to use as my name?