100.2a In constructed play (a way of playing in which each player creates their own deck ahead of time), each deck has a minimum deck size of 60 cards. A constructed deck may contain any number of basic land cards and no more than four of any card with a particular English name other than basic land cards. For the purposes of deck construction, cards with interchangeable names have the same English name (see rule 201.3).

The rules state that the 4 of rule is based on the english name of the card. Even if the card you use is printed for a different language, the rules only care about what the official english name of the card is.

So i just read the article from that change. It appears that the cards were removed from the list because they weren't worth much because they were restricted/banned in eternal formats but wizards thought they might not be broken in standard. As such wizards felt their value was being hindered due to not being usable in a format they might not be banned in.

So using that as a precedent, they'd only be considering cards that are not used in any eternal formats but might become more valuable by receiving some demand in format where the card is not currently legal. So if the idea was to reprint the card that are already legal in pauper just so they are more easily available for pauper, that's not going to happen because it goes against the idea of the reserved list. You'd almost have more of an arguement for cards that aren't commons being reprinted as commons so they can receive demand for pauper play.

The combined cost should be 3UR reduced to 1UR.

Just a reminder that the abilities aren't part of the counter. If Omo is removed, the counters are pointless until Omo returns. Putting the rules text on the counter could make it seem like the abilities aren't related to Omo beyond creation.

This is why you need to play the cards as they are written and not shorthand things to something that seems similar.

When you say "essentially became all colorless generic", you are correct in that it becomes generic in essence but the mana cost does not change at all and is still affected by reducers in the same way it originally was.

So, to be clear, when you copy an ability, you don't have to pay the cost of the ability. Triggered abilities (Abilities that start with "When", "Whenever", or "At") don't have costs. Instead they are put on the stack whenever the specified triggering condition is met. Activated abilities are abilities that have ":" in them and has the cost on the left side and the ability on the right side. Just because you need to pay something don't always make it the cost. Ulalek's triggered ability has a mana payment but that is not, in game terms, a cost.

For other examples of what is and isn't a cost, lets look at sacrificing a creature as part of a cost. [[Bloodshot Cyclops]] activated ability has the "sacrifice a creature" on the left side of the ":". This means the creature sacrifice is part of the cost and copying the ability does not require you sacrifice another creature to get the effect (The ability will even still deal damage equal to the creature sacrificed the first time). On the other hand [[Grist, the Hunger Tide]]'s -2 loyalty ability has "you may sacrifice" on the right side of the ":". If you copy the ability, you still have to sacrifice a creature to get the effect.

Spells can also have "sacrifice a creature" as a cost that you don't have to pay a second time if you copy the spell. But just because you sacrifice a creature doesn't make it part of the cost. If you make a copy of [[Merciless Resolve]], you don't have to sacrifice anything but get to draw more cards. If you make a copy of [[Dredge]], you will still have to sacrifice a creature or land when the ability resolves.

They did mention Obeka which (assuming the active player allows (though i think OP intends to do this on their turn so they will)) can be activated after the token enters but before the etb resolves so they survive and have a token copy of phage. Not sure how they cast phage from exile, but it likely no longer applies. Even though it will be in exile again.

[[Obeka, brute chronologist]] becuase i accidentally hit post early

[[The twelfth doctor]] [[Clara oswald]] [[Phage, the untouchable]]

If you do it with the spell on the stack, they could choose a different creature to attach it to after it enters since the etb hasn't been put on the stack yet and thus the target hasnt been chosen.

To clarify, the command zone rule is only an sba for going to the exile or graveyard. It's a replacement effect if it interrupts going to the library or hand. Its different because they want to allow commanders to trigger death based abilities, but they dont want you having to search your library after its put there.

I don't think this is an error. Is just showing the top 3 categories, and the 4th is a different category. If there were 20 categories, it wouldn't stand out as much.

Pictured is only half the meal. The flatbread meals come with 2 flat breads. I know this is old but I was trying to find the size of the flatbreads because I've stopped using EveryPlate but have all their recipes.

I think they assume that all undeclared work is done from the passion of someone who would volunteerily do the work without getting paid. They probably don't understand the reality that a majority of undeclared work is people pressured into working extra hours for no pay. They probably think that just because there is a law against it, people would just refuse to do extra work they don't want to do without compensation. Unfortunately, while that's what those people (probably) should do, it's not what's always happens when people are told they can either work shit jobs or be homeless.

I must wanted to mention you're referring to a aura entering without a target. This is more akin to if you cast one and the target was made invalid. Like if you cast the "Enchant forest" enchantment targeting a [[Tiaga]] and someone flashed in [[blood moon]].

sees post that doesn't seem to make sense.

sees post has negative Karma

directs poster as to where their mistake was in hopes of preventing future karma loss from future posts

gets called mean spirited in call out post accusing sub of having no humor.

checks original post

positive 3000 karma

Well, if the last one was just a meme I didn't get this one must also be.

You used to be able to...it looks like one of the updates changed that. may be an unintentional thing. I also have baton pass as an egg move. When I swap sketch for baton pass, it now knows both. then if I try to swap sketch it shows sketch 4 times but it doesn't matter which i select it just switches the spot. If you're on the discord, You can probably create a topic in the bug reporting section but I haven't really been playing the game recently. Not that it wasn't fun just not gaming as much.

You might need to check the definition of missile.

I'd place my bets it's based on UTC. Midnight UTC is 7PM CDT a login before 7PM day one, a login between then and 7PM the next day, and a login around 8-9PM (around when OP posted) and you've logged in on 3 separate days.

Pretty sure it's 00:00 utc which is 7pm cdt and will become 6pm cst when daylight savings time ends.

What do you mean? Flygon is right there. (Yes, I know; this is a joke)