If he touches you, scream, loudly, "I told you to stop touching me."

"I wouldn't feel safe around a guy who can't take no for an answer."

"You don't know anything about me, so asking me out isn't the compliment you think it is."

This sub is for discussion of the online CCG "Animation Throwdown", not for people to post ads for random animation YouTube channels.

You might have figured it out if you had read any of the posts, or the FAQ, before posting your off topic link.

Does your state have any kind of patient advocate that can help you navigate health insurance denials?

A letter from an advocate making the case for out of network treatment to be covered in full might help.

In addition to all the things other people have said about security checking by a thousand eyes, open source software is OPEN.

If the designer of my favorite piece of open source software makes a change that a hundred people don't like, one of them can pick it up at the last spot before the change and fork off their own version with their design goals.

If the designer of my favorite piece of open source software decides to go off and do other things, one of the users can step up and make the teeny tiny changes that are needed to keep it compatible with the next version of Windows.

If the designer of my favorite piece of open source software doesn't think it's worth the time or effort to fix a small bug, or doesn't have the specialized skills to do it, someone else can step up and make it happen.

I can go ahead and invest the time and effort to integrate open source software into my work and life because it is less likely to be orphaned. I've got art files from 5 years ago that are dead to me because I can't edit the sources, but I can expect my GImP files to be usable for decades.

Better LPT: If you lend money to friends or family members, consider it a gift and be pleasantly surprised if it gets paid back.

Original post has been deleted so we can't read the whole story any more.

I like to boil water so stuff floats off.

Boil some water and scrape as much as you can off, do a chain mail scrub, then wash with dish detergent and water. Dry thoroughly before putting it away, of course.

You're not the first and won't be the last. I'm glad you caught it eventually.

You are incredibly strong to have gotten through all this, as battered and as broken as you are, you had the strength to say no to him when it mattered.

I don't know where you are, I don't know what laws do or don't protect you, I don't know what resources are available. But you have people who care about you. You have a dad who saved you when you needed him most. You've got a son who needs you. Talk to a victim advocate if your area has those, talk to a lawyer if you can afford one, call a battered spouse hotline if you need to. Get a lawyer and learn to understand their advice.

It's OK to cry.

But... but... but doesn't almost *everyone* occasionally fantasize about people other than their partners?

Antarctica, North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Eurasia. Six. Check.

Hopefully you told the other people in your match why you were doing it.

Get a security camera. Just having a security camera may make him go somewhere else, and will help if there needs to be a next step.

If there's a neighborhood chat or list you might want to mention it there, too: "we put up a security camera to discourage the local Peeping Tom."

I tend to reject edits that appear designed to move the POI away from the object of interest and to a spot where they can be reached from a car.

Restaurants re-opened with outdoor seating long before offices did. I was pretty cautious and I started occasionally going to restaurants a year before I got forced to come back to the office.

If he was regularly saying things that make her realize he thinks she's sexy, would she have been upset enough to post this here?

I'm not saying that it's not possible, just that it's not the most likely explanation and that if that was what he intended, he didn't execute it well. If he thinks she's sexy, he could have said it, this time or other times.

His wife doesn't think he thinks she's sexy. That's the bigger problem. If it was just one comment that fell flat she wouldn't have posted here.

People can get reported for abuse trying to push through bad submissions.

If that's what he meant, he could have said it that way. "You'd look really hot in something like that" is very very different from "why don't you wear sexy skimpy clothing for me any more."

Many years ago I got a phone call out of the blue from a guy I'd know years before whining about his marriage and complimenting his memory of my big tits. (Yeah, it was even creepier than that.) One of his complaints was that he bought his wife sexy clothes and she wouldn't wear them for him. And I don't know the whole story, but the common scenario is that she is completely exhausted from housework and childcare that he doesn't do his share of and just doesn't have the energy or desire to play dress-up for him.

So yes, it could have been an innocent compliment that he just botched. But it doesn't feel likely.

Right, parents who insist that their 14 year old daughter get married to the 29 year old man who raped her so that they aren't shamed in their church for having an unwed mother in their family.

... except marriage. In (EDITED: the majority) [-]a handful[-] of US states you can get legally married while you are too young to file for divorce.