I think it's unrealistic to expect national media to not have a bias. It's just the way our brains work to a certain extent. I'm not at all shocked at the way the British media report concerning Max. It's annoying sometimes, but the same can be said for the other national outlets.

I don't think this even comes close to the amount of pressure he has experienced in the past. He thrives in these situations, as he has shown multiple times before.

I think he was just stating a fact. He knows he can't do anything about it and just accepts it, I think. That's how I read it at least.

You're not wrong. I think the proposed change to the rule, the "daylight rule" (where there the attacker has to be ahead of the defender with his whole body, except arms, to be offside) would favor the attack way more.

Maybe just being in the right position to get people up quickly the whole time, saving spell slots for heals and in general being focused on keeping people alive? That's how I read it, especially with the 'previous experience'. I mean, there's not really a possibility to be an exceptional healer in any other way in 5e.

I think what he's saying is that the offside rules favor defence right now. Offside trap is used by everyone and it encourages more defensive tactics. I don't necessarily agree, but I think that's what he's saying.

Yeah not sure what these people expect. This isn't kindergarten playtime. No playing nice in football, especially tournament football.

Sometimes it's like you guys have started watching football two weeks ago. This stuff happens and has happened since the dawn of football. There have been way worse things than this. Calling for a full dq of a team because of a professional foul? Way off base if you ask me.

Haha whut, bad google translate? You said "Let's go, Holland. Buy and win!"

People watching football once every two years think every contact is a foul or something. This was just a collision.

Football is a contact sport and shit happens sometimes when people go 100%. Dumfries had absolutely no intention to hurt anyone in both cases. First one he heads the ball. Try it yourself, if you head a ball with force, you fling your arms back. There's no way he could've seen the dude coming. Second one, they just both went for it full force, they both could've gotten hurt.

What pickup did you use? I have the same and planning on wiring it up too and I'm wondering what people are using, since someone told me a 'normal' acoustic pickup will not cut it on a reso.


You don't focus on the disability when dealing with disabled people. It's rude. But in all seriousness, this shit used to be classified under symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

Yeah he was smart to point to Dumfries right away. He knew he was beat.

Exactly this, I've never seen a keeper back away from a save because there is a player in the way. Except if he sees he'll never make it, like in this situation.

We didn't have to ID in Hamburg. They bluetooth-scanned our tickets and that was that.

I think you were thinking that it was a porcupine. Happens to the best of us! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Respectfully, no we don't. We call these egel, een stekelvarken is a porcupine.

And we call it 'Nederland', you fucking simple human. At least google once before calling people out.

The only thing I would improve, would be the color of the font. Don't know if it's because I'm partially colorblind, but I cannot read anything that's written in the mountains. It's an awesome map otherwise!!