It would've been cool if Warlock Garfield's patron was implied to be imsorryjon Garfield.

Trying to salvage my documents before purging a phishing virusOpen | Windows

So this morning I got hacked via a malicious program a hacked friend tricked me into downloading. Any time I log into discord on my laptop (I haven't dared try logging into anything else) the hacker gets my account access. This has claimed my main account and the first backup I made (I did a virus sweep that proved insufficient).

I understand that the best thing to do now is open my laptop in safe mode, salvage what's necessary, and then format it for a clean install before restoring the salvaged files from an external hard drive.

The problem is that in safe mode, everything even tangentially associated with Microsoft's cloud saving service is impossible to copy onto my external hard drive no matter what I do. I don't know what the problem is, and after a very ill-advised attempt at following an online guide for the process, I have decided I need to consult people who more directly know what they're doing.

Just backing up from cloud isn't an option because several documents are saying they haven't properly updated the cloud in months. I really don't want to lose these files, but I really want this malicious program off my system as soon as possible.

Does anyone know how I can access these files safely?

I think what killed my enjoyment of Ghost Story was that it felt like a massive filler arc between Changes, which was awesome, and , which was something I was beyond hyped for. I knew what the next book was going to be about, and I knew I was going to like it better than what I was currently needing to read before I could get to it. It felt like homework in a sense.

I need the link to wherever this woman talks about this.

If you're talking specifically about the tower, Jill is better, because she has a better res stat, and defense becomes almost meaningless in the latter half of the tower.

I do like that he looks more like his sister that way.

Zoran is the closest thing our community has to a Pannenkoek.

Steel defenders re-enacting the legendary metapod duel.

Didn't Luccio give herself a sponge bath by the fireplace in Small Favor? Granted [spoilers I don't know how to tag in text] put a bit of that into question but that doesn't sound like someone who's used to conventional hot showers.

Could Harry ACTUALLY magic up a hot shower?Discussion

So I see a lot of people on this subreddit say that Harry could totally give himself a hot shower if he wanted, and he's just subconsciously torturing himself because he doesn't think he deserves to be happy. But upon re-reading some of the earlier books and being reminded of certain elements of the worldbuilding... I have begun to seriously question that.

Could a wizard actually create an automated magical system so heavily integrated with, and directly affecting, running water?

Like, it's been emphasized numerous times that water, in particular running water, is just about the ultimate magic disruptor on earth. It feels like if there were any modern comfort that Harry couldn't magically replicate, it would be a hot shower. Certainly not a system that didn't require his direct, continuous intervention (and he couldn't be actively doing it during the shower either, for blindingly obvious reasons).

What do you guys think?

Given Tommy Wiseau's track record with writing women... we should be very afraid.

I'd say A Grasping Truth is really underrated. It was the series' first attempt at continuously-playing final battle music, and it hits it out of the park. It's not what I'd call "catchy", but it's intense as hell.

I think the award for absolute cutest crit quote goes to Genny's "I! Do not! Like you!"

I've never seen faces show up on the bottom of the screen like that.

It's already been fixed, they just broke it again. Fates had the best hub area because not only was it a fun bit of customization, but most importantly of all, you could get from any point A to any point B in less than five seconds. It was really just perfect, and then subsequent games decided to make them these utterly gargantuan high-budget setpieces that make between-battle prep a chore. Granted, the Somniel is drastically better than the Monastery, but both pale in comparison to the simplicity of My Castle.

No I wasn't. But I did try to go for the arrive objective and learned the hard way the game was lying to me when the rules changed the second Petra got close.

"Foreign Land and Sky" Is pure unadulterated evil. It is the total violation of everything that is decent in Fire Emblem game design and it is the moment that turned my blind ironman of Three Houses into an exercise in crippling paranoia where I was no longer confident that anything was sacred.

Lying about the victory condition and then spawning an entire extra wave of ambush spawns and changing the rules the second you try to fulfill it!?

After that, I was still suspecting ambush spawns halfway into the ending credits.

What exactly are contracts? What is the price that humans pay for the power devils give them?

Ambush Spawns, 2 skills per unit, and for the love of god cut back on the dang base.

Fates and the Tellius games had the perfect bases. Swift to navigate, enough to do that it provided meaningful strategizing but not so much that it felt like a between-battle chore.

My character is a blue dragonborn adopted by a fairy and harengon. I tried to imagine what sort of classic hippie nature-y name a fairy mother would give a blue dragonborn son if it were tempered by the father's desire to preserve his dignity.

I went with Summerstorm.

A question regarding scale: how many adventurers will you eventually be able to deploy at once, and what are the current average map dimensions?

Thank you! And that's fascinating! How do the humans feel about this? Do they blame their ancestors for dooming them to living in this purgatory? Do they resent the gods for making the world even uglier than humans ever did, and continuing to torture them centuries after everyone who "deserved" it already died? Is there a mix, perhaps various religious factions, political movements and cults?

Also, definitely curious to find out what that spoiler is eventually!

Silas is an absolute monster if you use a wounded Corrin as a backpack. +5 to damage dealt, -5 to damage taken, +10 to hit, and that's just from personal skills. Add on some damage stack and 1-2 range and you have a demon.