Alrighty! I've stopped getting new votes so here is the final tally! I've crunched the numbers and there's pretty graphs if you're interested as well. I ended up with 86 usable votes (some people seem to have misunderstood and rated things on a scale of 1-10). Here's the ranking:

1: Changes

2: Skin Game

3: Dead Beat

4: Cold Days

5: Turn Coat

6: Small Favor

7: Proven Guilty

8: Battle Ground

9: White Night

10: Death Masks

11: Ghost Story

12: Blood Rites

13: Summer Knight

14: Grave Peril

15: Peace Talks

16: Storm Front

17: Fool Moon

For me, personally, the only surprise was Battle Ground ranking so highly. I also did not realize Skin Game was so highly regarded. Interesting fact: while Changes received by and far the highest number of #1 votes, Skin Game received the highest average voting score. Turn Coat jumps Cold Days if you consider average vote score.

As for short story, I don't know all of them so for the people who described their favorite, sorry. The Warrior and Zoo Day tied for most popular short story, followed by ANOTHER tie between Back Up and Aftermath. Special shoutout to whoever took the time to write that they don't like the short stories.

Pretty graph time! If you have a specific request, let me know. I don't want to post all 17 unless I have to.




I love how visually split opinion is on Summer Knight and Grave Peril.



Absolutely no consensus on Ghost Story.
