I’m literally watching this right now and wondering but still no one knows 💀

I’m dying 😭 feeling dumb now, had no idea it was a feature hahah thanks

[Civ5] Date only appears as string of numbers?V - Other

The place where it normally says the date (e.g. 1565 AD) in the top right corner of the screen has just been replaced by a string of numbers that changes with each turn (e.g. Does anyone know how to fix/change this? Thanks.

Spoiler alert: I’m dumb


Thanks both, so is there no option BIOS to even try alter it at all?

Omg that’s so perfect, I’ve been looking for good stuff to watch so despite me being rly late to this reply - thanks!

Is there way to reallocate RAM to VRAM via BIOS on Surface Pro7, Windows 11?Open | Windows

I’m trying to increase my VRAM to reduce lag on a new graphics heavy game, I’ve got 16GB of RAM, i7 intel iris plus graphics card, but only 128mb VRAM (I know this is because it works through an allocation system). I’ve tried upping it in the registry to decimal 512mb and then 1024mb, but that didn’t help.

And the BIOS doesn’t seem to have any option to change it, even though I feel like every other operating system has?

I know it might still not work but it seemed to help other people so it’s worth a try if possible.


1-3 and no beard or facial hair imo :)

Has any one been able to move the date of their ticket day-of?

It says online you can amend bookings through their portal, but it doesn’t work for my ticket for some reason. I accidentally bought a ticket on Tuesday for Wednesday, when I meant to for Thursday (there was no option to chose the date). Tomorrow is Thursday and I was wondering if anyone had any luck with a similar issue and succeeded on moving the booking?

Very pleasantly surprised by the replies in this thread ahaha

No problem! Thank you for your nice reply

Yes I’m pleasantly surprised by how thriving this community is! It’s really nice so thanks for the welcome and your reply. I love what you said about nuance, because it’s so true that the judicial machine is so large that it struggles to pay attention to detail, yet every case requires a huge amount of this non-existent flexibility and attention to even be properly judged by the system - and the TV show shows that from a very individual character-level perspective.

Also so true, like I really hated Fig, until we got to know her, but it was still hard to see why she was such a bitch to the inmates until Tamika became warden and saw that she was constantly being pushed to be harsher (and more like Fig) - it became easy to see (like you said with Joe) how they could just bend to the corporation’s wants and put their morals aside. It makes me wonder how common this issue is in real life. Thanks for your opinion, I’m glad you found this in the show too!

Ugh you say it so well, I’m glad you agree and it s nice to see such an active community with so many other people who appreciate the depth and insight it gives us into people’s characters from a 3rd person perceptive and a view into the US prison system as a whole

Keep going, everything will get better eventually as dumb and empty as that sounds. The least you can do if you can is keep your body healthy and clean and keep going even if it feels pointless, then it will mean it’ll be less effort to get back to normal and feeling good when the better times come. but I get you… it fucking sucks

The chance you did something is truly truly minuscule. I’m sure you know this, but I know it’s so hard to shake, but yeah: just because you don’t remember doesn’t necessarily mean you did something diabolically awful, it just means you continued functioning the same as you were before, probably just normal drunk self, but your brain just didn’t commit those moments to memory/not making new memories. It sounds like you’re going through it right now, and I really send my support. If I were you I’d talk to your husband or whoever you can about how it makes you feel in detail, I feel it really helps especially if they’re the people who can reassure you and support you etc when you wake up the next day and have these frankly annoying and weighty thought following you around :)

I vouched for McCullough 😭 idk why but I also feel bad for her and she’s morally way less cocky and naturally horrifying than the other COs

Yeah she was annoying but it was funny for the show and I did like her, and her relationship with P was nice

One of the best moments in the show ever. I’m glad they liked it

I was wondering this the other day too 😂

Bro for some reason it hadn’t crossed my mind that she would have actually died a long slow death in the desert until reading this- omfg 😧

This is what I loved most about the show. I think it’s the most accurate representation of human morality I’ve ever seen in media, none of that black/white morality. It’s complex and you hate everyone just a little bit but also vouch for everybody a little bit based on what they’ve done.