Outside UK. They made it complex idk why

Took me 4 months. I was interviewed after 2.5 months

Just sit back n relax.

Mine just got cleared today. Took 1.4 months.

Some suggestions: - Dont remove Ad units. Let admob analyse ad traffic. - Attach google analytics and firebase, so admob can better analyse your traffic. - Work on KPI. Resolve any major crashes. - Show review dialog, ask user for reviews so you can get more downloads.

It will eventually get clear. Good luck!

Looking for T3 full inverter AC recommendation in LahoreLooking for advice

Hello! I'm on the lookout for a T3 full inverter AC (1.5 tons) that can handle the intense heat of Lahore.

Does anyone have recommendations for brands or specific models that have worked well for you, please? I’m looking for something that’s energy-efficient, durable, and provides great cooling. Something below 2 lac.

So far, I have heard recommendations for TCL, PEL and Kenwood.

Looking for recommendations. Thank you :)

Awesome! Thanks :) One more thing, i had just a banner Ad and an occasional native Ad, since it was a new account. How long do i need to wait before i could start Integrating more Ads e.g Interstitial, reward ads etc.

Is limit getting removed now ? Question

Hi, My new admob account got "invalid traffic concerns and limited ad servung " thing 40 days ago. Since then i am improving the app, rating and analytics have significantly improved.

Now just suddenly yesterday, the Match rate started coming back to normal e.g from 4% to 70%, and impressions improved at the same rate.

Does that mean limit is about to get removed now ??

Problem is that i still see that red top bar error message of "Ad serving limit" .

Please share your experience, anxiously waiting for it to get removed!!


Got the same a month ago and still waiting. Everyone said it will go away after a month or two. I was told to keep improving app quality in the meantime

For me it was Ram. Had to clean the Ram and fix them properly. Make sure Ram is inserted proper

I have an app, which started getting good organic traffic and admob put a limit on it. I think its normal, when the traffic start increasing they will put a limit

Later, do they remove the limit sooner or does it take too long ?

Food Spots Recommendations in LahoreFood

Hi, I'm heading to Lahore this week with a family. I'm on the hunt for some fantastic food spots :) Fast food, desi, dhaba food anything worth trying.

I I'll be staying around the Gulberg, Johar Town, Model Town, and DHA areas so something in the surroundings. The old Lahore, Anarkali etc would be too far.

Please recommend, Many thanks!

Is traffic limit a common thing ? I tried to follow every rule, my traffic is good, But there's ad traffic limit due to invalid traffic concerns. Probably because of new account, right ?

Free ASO tool for keyword research and volume

Are there any free ASO tools for checking keyword volume and keyword difficulty. Unlike web (semrush, Ahref, moz) the ASO tool subscriptions are very high end.

So was looking for free recommendations. Anyone ? Thanks!

Free ASO Tool for keyword volume and difficultyQuestion

This might not be super relevant to this subreddit, but the ASO subreddit i could find is really small and doesn't look very active.

Are there any free ASO tools for checking keyword volume and keyword difficulty. Unlike web (semrush, Ahref, moz) the ASO tool subscriptions are very high end.

So was looking for free recommendations. Anyone ? Thanks!

How did you do niche research exactly ? Through keyword planner ? Any more details

Hi, How long can this take in such cases, where app is like 2 months old and so is the account ?

What do you mean by "paid traffic" here, what was the source ? You're not talking about traffic by google Ads, right ?

Hi, congrats on getting such huge traffic :) Yes it should be around 20-25x of earnings.

Just getting started with printerest. Would u mind sharing your journy of growth through Pinterest ? Woul really appreciate that


I had the same. Asked cloudways support to block the "Poland" traffic.
Edit: This didn't work. Still getting bots Grr!!