I'd think it be a nice addition to the game, you know give the farmer some down time to go fishing or something

Boats that actually floatDiscussion

Does anyone have a boat mod that actually works. Every one I have found and tried to use the boat's sink to the bottom and drive there but not on the actual surface of the lake

I find myself getting lost in the astetics. I want the farm to be functional, well thought out organized into micro components, (vehicle garage where fuel tank is, silos together, seed, fertilizer etc together) and be as realistic as possible. If I can imagine me living there and being at peace then I've done what I set about to do. Now if I can only find some mods that will give me some older equipment that has the patina of being exposed to the elements but is still capable of doing the job they were created for I can start creating a legacy farm ๐Ÿšœ Also what are some good maps that have lakes and streams on them with land for farming

They are in a pen that has a grain silo attached as well as a covered area the eggs are spawned under. We are using mods by fs miner, as well as a variety of mods downloaded from fs22. if it looked cool to my 8 year old son, we've added it. He started watching YouTube videos of hudsons playground and wanted to play the game because he is really big on John Deere, so i bought a copy, and when he is here on the weekends, we play together.

How many would you recommend I start with still fairly new to fs22 started playing it with my 8 year old son on pc

Chickens are not producingDiscussion

Can someone please tell me four foods I need to feed my chickens and how much of each. I cant get the health up padt 0% and they are not producing eggs. I have 6 hens and 1 rooster and its been 8 year months since i started raising them

Do you harvest the oilseed before planting your crop

I realize that I was just wondering if anyone had created one for fs22 and if so where. Im currently using the freightliner one but perfer mack if available

Specific ModDiscussion

Does anyone know if and where I can find a Mac version of the freightliner lime application truck for fs22. I was told there used to be one in Fs19

When does a joke become a dad joke?

When it becomes apparent