He was good today but all three penalties were very poorly taken and he guessed right

As someone who went 5950 and a gigabyte x570 on launch day I can't recommend enough against relying on gigabytes team to get things stable for a new platform and chip.

you drove to mexico and germany in under 4k miles? :) wyoming isnt far whats a few more miles ;)

80C is very normal for this generation of cards, they run hot and use a ton of power. But like others have said, if it's used check to see if it's full of dust or needs repasted, and check out MSI afterburner for undervolting

The easiest "yes, sign him up again" that ever existed. KDB is more than welcome to decide his own future which probably means re-upping for another year or a big money play to a retirement league like MLS/Qatar/Saudi Arabia.

Encryption at rest in etcd is as close to "encrypted secrets" as you will get for native k8s secret resources. This does not mean that the secret itself is encrypted if you have RBAC access to read the secret though, just that if someone gained access to your etcd cluster's drives they wouldn't in theory be able to read the data. KMS would also be similar here in concept.

I'm not yet aware of a great solution that actually uses encryption of the secret data and decrypts it "in-flight" to the pod as a native k8s secret, but you can use things like Vault Injector, or CSI to accomplish this pretty easily, it just wont be a k8s native secret resrource.

This is IMHO one of the big misses in the k8s ecosystem: cheap and easy third party integration with k8s native secrets for auth and encryption.

The elevator situation is absolutely terrible at Ohare, if they are even working they are extremely slow and way out of the way, adding tons of time to getting around the airport :-/

Not worth it IMHO, but if you're gonna be spending that kinda money I'd love to have a look at musiala

Closest thing Ronaldo did to a shot in that match.

I heard them from inside my closed car on the way to O'Hare yesterday but really nothing near the city

The hashicorp terraform learn guides have some pretty bare bones eks cluster code which you can grab and repurpose. It's technically mpl licensed but it's a small amount of code that you can use as inspiration.

The service center at the dealership is terrible so definitely plan your service elsewhere.

Your wrist would look like that too, if you had the weight of a $1.5M Richard Mille on it.

Plain and simple: because the RNC and DNC are in bed together, doing everything to maintain status quo. Its really simple maths for late stage capitalism.

3 players in this list leading their respective teams to historically low seasons

They need $6B to put a glass lid on soldier field and some new shiny chrome on the outside? Let me tell you about this pen I have for sale.

even the people who got them for free missed the boat