How do I most effectively work out 3 days a week?

Currently I am alternating between a push and pull day, but I was wondering if a full body workout might be more effective for 3 days a week. Do you also potentially have other general tips for working out 3 days a week?

Waarom zijn frikandelbroodjes immuun voor inflatie?

Als ik mij het goed herinner, waren friekandelbroodjes 10 jaar geleden 1 euro of zelfs iets meer. Maar laatst kocht ik bij de Albert Heijn een frikandelbroodje voor 95 cent. En dat terwijl alles zo veel duurder is geworden. Hoe is dit mogelijk?

Can you go without water if you have food

I’m currently binging “I shouldn't be alive” which is about people who get themselves trapped in the wilderness one way or another and need to survive. Usually their first concern is about finding water because a human can survive only 3 days without water. However, I know that almost all foods contain a lot of water too. So I was wondering, in case you do have food but no water, can you survive for longer than 3 days?

After watching a documentary about the Wright brothers, I felt inspired to make my own plane building game. After 9 months of work, this is what the game looks like. It’s called Aviassembly and you can find it on Steam! Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.

Are liquids not allowed before going trough sercurity?

First time flying alone, Any tips?Question

This week will be the first time I will be flying alone. I barely really know how things work at an airport but my plan is to be there 3 hours early and figure it out as I go.

Procrastination is often caused by overwhelmTechnique

I’ve had a little epiphany this week. I was struggling with procrastination, until I decided to make a clear plan for the week with everything I wanted to get done. It was quite an ambitious plan with a deadline. I also committed to planning every day the day before. Doing these 2 simple things massively improved my productivity and stopped my struggle with procrastination.

So if your struggling with procrastination, you might just be overwhelmed. The solution might be to make a clear plan with an ambitious deadline.

First time GDC tipsQuestion

I'm going to GDC for the first time this year. Do you have any tips and recommendations to get the most out of the experience? It will also be my first time in San Fransisco. I only have a ticked for the expo.

Creative mode design problem

I'm making a building game in which I currently also have a creative game mode with infinite money. The issue I'm having is that a lot of players will chose this game mode, but than quickly get bored because almost all of the challanges and rewards in the game are tied to money. I'm also afraid that just removing creative mode might not be the most elegant solution because it still serves a prupose. How would you solve this issue?

How to finish a project

I often see posts floating around on this subreddit about people struggling to finish their projects. I can relate to this issue because I used to struggle with it as well, but I was able to overcome it. I figured that sharing my perspective on this issue might be helpful to some people here.

In my experience, the issue was not that I couldn’t finish projects. The real issue is that I constantly started new projects. Starting a new project is very tempting because new ideas always seem so great when they only exist in your imagination. The potential issues and challenges only become apparent when you start actually building the game. Making a game is always much harder than fantasizing about a game idea. So while I discovered that actually making the game was harder than you thought it would be, I started to come up with a new idea that seems better than the one I was working on. I didn’t realize that this new idea is not actually better, I just hadn’t discovered the pitfalls yet because the idea only existed in my imagination. The big mistake I made was to actually start working on this new idea, while slowly forgetting the project I was originally working on. Inevitably, I would encounter roadblocks with the new idea as well, and the cycle would repeat. This is how I eventually got a whole library of unfinished games.

The way I overcame this issue was to just not allow myself to impulsively start new projects. Whenever I have a game idea, I just let it sit in my head for a few months, and if I am still enthused about the idea a few months later, that is a strong sign that it might actually be a decent idea. I also don’t allow myself to start one project before the one I’m currently working on is finished.

I might be ignorant here, but what is so magical about 10 Steam reviews?

I would recommend starting a small game project of your own, and using tutorials to figure out the specific things you need to know to complete this project. You can slowly increase the scope of your projects as you gain knowledge and excperience.

How unhealthy are store bought pancakes?Question

I'm considering eating pancakes fpr breakfast because I like them and feel that it would be a good start of the day. I know that it might not be the healthiest habbit in the world, but exactly how unhealthy is it? pancakes don't contain that much sugar by themselfs right?


You actually need to have screenshots before you can make your Steam page public. I think its a good idea to make a steam page as soon as you have something to show.