You were never going to get that upgraded ring. He was just putting you off because he didn't buy you a Christmas present and figured you would eventually forget about it.

Right?? Friends like this? who needs a caring, loving, thoughtful husband.

Do you have to marry this guy? Him and his whole family sounds like a nightmare.

What are wolf spiders called? Because I have them at my work, and they are freaking huge! I would toss an Apron on them and get them to serve the beer ( I work the 10th hole bar at a golf course) but I'm afraid they would drink all the beer, 😆

Right? It kinda gives off vibes of taking several pics when you have a flat tire and if you want to go into work late, just send your boss one of the pics, lol. Something else is going on here. Crying broke when he has money, and whining to his mom, trying to make OP seem like the bad guy is sus as F! I'm betting he is getting his shit together to leave her, and he is hiding assets.

At the dive bar I worked at, we opened at 11 for lunch, even though most people came for a liquid lunch, we had to have food available, liquor board rules. We would occasionally get people in who were just there to eat. ( the food was good, a made killer wings and burgers) and three two ladies, looked like a,mother and daughter and a baby about a year old. I brought their food out, and they had the baby on the floor.

This was in the late 90s and the carpet was this hideous pattern from the 70s, black with geometric shapes. It maybe got vacuumed once a week, and I never saw it get shampooed the whole time I worked there. It was a fucking petri dish of spilled drinks , blood, vomit, and other biological unknowns, never mind things like glass shards from broken glasses.

I tried to tell them that it wasn't safe to have the baby crawling around on the floor, and they looked at me like I had two heads and wanted to cook the baby for lunch, They were so offended that I was trying to tell them how to parent the baby. I gave up, whatever. When they finally removed the carpet, the owners didn't wear masks and were sick as dogs for a week from whatever nasty mold and toxins were in that carpet.

They replaced it with ceramic tile, and decided to start serving free peanuts in the shell. People would sweep the shells onto the floor and made it slippery as F. That's a whole bunch of other stories. Lmao!!

I was at a brewery that had a beer garden where you could sit at tables or play bocci ball. There were 2 boys, about 9 ish, who were throwing the sand and balls at each other, and everyone else in the vicinity. Not once did I see a parent talk to them.

I used to work as a cook in a bar. On Wednesdays, we had a company come in and set up poker tournaments. It would start with about 100 people and last for 4-5 hours. I would end up having to watch kids because the divorced dad had visitations on Wednesdays but didn't want to miss the tournament. The kids would be running wild in the room and running into the servers, so I would have them sit at a table and colour while I had to do my job. Never even got a thank you for making sure nothing bad happened to their kids.

Mine happened at work. I felt fine going in, and then my throat felt scratchy. It progressively got worse until it felt like glass shards and I was starting to get a fever. I called in a co-worker to cover for me, because we worked with seniors, and I didn't want them to get whatever it was. I went straight to a walk in, and they did a throat swab, but he said by the looks of it, I had strep and gave me antibiotics. It came back positive a couple of days later, but I was feeling much better by then.

You vacuumed him up and threw him out, I think that's kind of shitty, don't ya think?

You know that in many places, it is a crime to mishandle cremated remains. Sorry you hated your dad.

The OP carried that baby inside her for 9 months. The husband just provided a little DNA. I'm sure he loved her, but it isn't the same. It certainly nothing to do with the SDs mother. She needs to mind her own business, and be thankful her daughter is still living.

You couldn't remember your stepfather without a chunk of his body? Good thing he was cremated.

It was the right of the parents to choose what to do with the ashes. There must be two yes's for this kind of choice, and the OP didn't give permission. Her husband did it behind her back.

Ya, with permission. The OP didn't give her permission. She didn't want the ashes divided.

These are human remains we are talking about. The ashes of her daughter. Have you ever lost a child? She carried that child in her body for 9 months, he just supplied a little dna. I'm not saying he didn't love her, but there is no comparison. The daughters ashes are not something that should be divided up like dime bags of weed and given to irresponsible people who lose it. The SD can remember her sister without having her ashes.

Human remains should never be made into jewelry of mementos. I do a lot of thrifting and go to garage and estate sales, and you wouldn't believe the number of articles I find that contain human remains at these sales. I usually let someone running the sale know exactly what they are selling, and they are horrified and remove it, but other people just don't give a crap, if they can get a dollar for it, it's sold.

I got strep as an adult, and it was awful. It felt like I was trying to swallow glass shards.

So is measles and rubella. People don't understand the dangers to a fetus when the mother contracts rubella. It's heartbreaking.

I got an iud that stopped me from having periods. It was great. I went 10 years with no periods.

My cousins son was 8 and took the pics on his ninja turtle 110 camera. My cousin didn't even know the pics were on there until his son asked his dad to develop the film. His son took it upon himself to get the evidence because he couldn't stand living with him mom anymore. Lol