Evolution took not one, but two MAJOR steps backwards with women- why tf do we have this?? I didn’t ask to have a uterus or bleed every goddamn month or to fucking buy $20 worth of tampons and pads. I don’t fucking care if my body is angry that I’m not pregnant, why would I want to bring a baby into a world where we don’t even have control of our bodies??? On top of that we have to deal with literal butthole and vagina cramps along with several other fucking problems like higher chance of infections. And the fact that we can’t call off work or be excused from school because of the pain??

This shit makes me wanna fucking d!e so fucking bad bro. Might fuck around and get a hysterectomy, I’d be perfectly fine with adopting if my state or doctor LETS ME. Genuinely. I believe this even when I’m not on it, especially when it’s not THREE FUCKING DAYS EARLY

Whatever bro.

[EDIT] I mentioned hysterectomy out of pure hate and anger, I wouldn’t actually get one, I just don’t want to have cramps, periods, or other problems I have currently