These text messages made me cringe so hard... "you can't force me to stay" BRO, just block him. šŸ˜­

It's literally ashes. NO ONE should be touching it at all. Especially when both parents are at odds about who can handle it. HE went behind her back. So yes, fuck his feelings.

Fuck his feelings. It's literally her DAUGHTERS ASHES. wtf is wrong with you? It's not some fucking toy you share.

Now I'm starting to see the wife's side. I feel like you purposely made her sound out of it, but now that she's breaking it down, it makes sense. Have there been times when you turned down your wife and daughter for your sister and niece? Cause sister and niece should not be a top priority.

You're very DISMISSIVE when it comes to your wife.

I (19F) am currently 8 months pregnant, and my husband (28M)

This was the first HUGE RED FLAG! You're having a baby with a lowkey predator.

Does she have her own place? I don't know why, but I feel like this is a "convenient" relationship for her since the pace already seems like it's been a few months when it hasn't been.

You shared the information, though? It seems like she was trying to be sweet and understanding that you won't be able to make time for her. Also, instead of lying, why don't you just say you're not comfortable telling her that information yet? You can't start a relationship with lies.

He's in the wrong because right when she starts to reach out to him.He's the one who pushes her away when he has no reason to do that. Because he was the one originally in the wrong. He was also the one who pretty much gave up on his kid.You can still love someone from a distance.

All I had to know was that you were close to divorce. You had an affair, and she was valid for cutting you off. You're in the wrong op, you know that deep down

She is a dumb ass though. She didn't shut the oven off or get the leash for the dog. I wouldn't trust her for a while!

I'm going to be real, it's really weird that she's at her ex's house for FOUR HOURS! What the heck were they doing? Chillin' for FOUR HOURS?! ain't no way.

And her ex shouldn't even be a priority anymore. Matter of fact, not even on her list of priorities.

Yes, it works every time. You tuck the butter knife in and wiggle it, and it should break the seal

Maybe he's doing this to feel useful to you? So that you could go to him to have them opened? It's annoying, but if it really bothers you, just use a butter knife to break the seal. This situation is honestly ridiculous. But if divorce will stop this, then do it?

How is he still able to walk? Damn straight, my boyfriend would beat his brother to a pulp. I would do the same if my sister did some inappropriate shit to him.

I hope you understand it takes 6 months to 1 year for the body to fully heal after birth and 2 years for you to feel "bounced back" to a new normal. Give her some time, and I'm going to need you to make an effort on your part. It's not just up to her. You need to encourage her by showing her affection. She will want to give back.

If you know he would be upset, why are you still considering going without him?

Personally, I would be hurt. There's so many other places you can go. You seriously can't wait for him? He wants to experience that together.

It's the lack of communication on his part that is causing the break up. He's the one being immature and unfair, not you.

Honestly, I'm not mad that you want to sleep with his best friend and brother, lol. BUT he can use that as a reason the relationship broke up if someone asked. So be prepared for that. Unless you break up first and tell everyone the reason for breaking up.

She probably knows deep down you're not who you make yourself out to be. From your previous posts you sound like a pos.