train from boston to nyc for cheap?planes, trains, & automobiles

my partner is gonna be in boston and i’ll be in the new york area for about 2 months this summer and we want to be able to see each other as much as possible. it seems like our options are either driving to each other (we both hate driving) or taking the amtrak train to each other (expensive) and i was wondering if there’s any way to get the train tickets for cheaper? is there a frequent traveler kinda pass we could buy? we normally see each other every weekend and spending $140+ each weekend is a lot just for train tickets. i’m not too familiar with amtrak or finding cheap trains. thanks!

i’m also curious about this, i’ve never tried it before but i’ve heard decent reviews about the poke from h&h fresh fish

windmill cafe without a doubt imo

Instantly murdered. Step into the city and you’ll get killed without a second thought.

it entirely depends on your income. if you’re high income you’ll have no issues but if you were hoping to rely on on campus housing then it’s honestly not the best idea (unless your daughter is very social and able to find a group of people to rent with after her first year)

hypothetical question

hi all. what happens if, hypothetically, there’s a full flight and someone shits themselves in, say, the middle seat. who deals with that? is it the flight attendant’s job? what do you do with the guy who shat himself? in this scenario there are no empty seats at all and the seat is also covered in shit. it was also pretty early on in the flight (like during some heavy turbulence in the beginning). thanks!

in my experience the first years tend to be more immature and more similar to high schoolers. but if the school you go to is big enough then you can kinda avoid them (unless you live in the dorms with other first years, in that case best of luck)

you can see the exact moment that logan decides each of the kids is “unfit” to take over the company. like ken attending his birthday party instead of prioritizing his job or shiv begging logan not to send tom to jail. the first time through i didn’t know what would happen next at the time of those scenes but on the second watch you can really see the subtle differences in how logan treats them once he comes to his realization

watched it with my boyfriend the first time and he kept saying he thought this was supposed to be a drama but it feels more like a comedy lol

what do you think the show would’ve looked like if they went with their original plan?

i saw a post that said the original idea was for logan to die in the pilot and for the rest of the show to not include him (but they decided against it because brian cox was too good to kill off so quick lol)- what do you guys think the show would’ve looked like or what plot points might’ve happened if they went with their original plan? rewatching episode 1 makes me think that laurence and vaulter would’ve had a much bigger role as they kinda set him up to be an antagonist. what do you think?

amazing book and definitely the best to start with! any of his short stories are amazing in general imo

i was really impressed with matthew’s acting in the entire show and i kept wondering- how can this be the same guy that was the charming mr darcy?? personally tom’s personality was more than enough for me to not find him hot lol matthew is a really great actor and i think he plays tom perfectly

i think it’s also important to note that tom was originally written to be a significantly older man than shiv (more of a connor/willa age gap) before matthew was casted. part of it definitely has to do with shiv just being young and attractive and tom partly seeing her as a way to climb even further in the company and get approval from logan

yeah! there’s tons of them, here’s one i picked up

could try going to a rock climbing gym if there are any near you and you have the disposable income for it. at my gym almost everyone is barefoot in the weights area and it’s always less crowded than a regular gym

widening a highway never solved traffic. better public transit, walkability, and bikeability are far more important and more likely to solve that. the city has the ability to improve these things, thinking that nothing can and ever will change is pretty unfortunate.

absolutely, people who aren’t NIMBYs tend to display their views as entirely being fueled by greed but it’s comments like the one above that show some of the deeper issues with their thinking.

personally the small town charm is a little lost when seeing how bad the homelessness situation is. i’d much rather see dozens of cheap condos housing people who need it than dozens of tents in the same area, but that’s just me.

these are all deeply interconnected issues and all need to be improved upon, not just housing. nobody wants traffic and overcrowding, but there are solutions to these issues as well- it’s not like building more housing would occur in a vacuum where you can only build more housing and nothing else.

absolutely! since moving to california i’m genuinely shocked i don’t see more people biking. i bike everywhere i can in santa cruz and i can get anywhere i need to in the city with just my e-bike. the weather is amazing and driving is awful so biking seems pretty reasonable. i just wish there was better bike infrastructure. ive almost been hit a few times by large SUV drivers looking at their phones and slowly swerving into the bike lane, or people trying to close pass me when it’s just dangerous to do so. a protected bike lane (and some steel bollards) can go a long way in terms of keeping bikers and pedestrians safe. it’s sad to see a city with so much potential have so little actually going on when it comes to the city’s planning.

NIMBYs can be of any age, never specified that they were boomers. people may want to keep santa cruz small but the city continues to grow. people continue to come here and i’ve noticed that many people (not targeting this at you specifically, i don’t know what you’re thoughts on it are) seem to be upset that there are so many homeless people but simultaneously don’t want to build denser housing in the area to help solve it. it’s like what someone else in the comments pointed out, the city and its residents thought they could keep the city small by not building anymore housing and people would stop moving here, but that clearly hasn’t happened and it’s unlikely that people will stop trying to move here (it’s a lovely area after all). you may not know people that oppose new developments but they absolutely exist and many are adamant about maintaining their property values even if it means not building any more housing.

not at all the case. of course more well connected public transit would be great but public transit can still work well if it’s not part of a large network. local public transit within santa cruz is absolutely doable and more frequent bus service could help many people no longer have to rely on their cars. santa cruz already has significantly better public transit than many towns (at least the ones i’ve lived in) and improving it wouldn’t be that difficult.