If Butte had a lot of things it would make a difference….

Please only buy if you want to jump in and move there. Speculating is going to slow everything down.

It still has a solid 5-10 years of just absorbing normal Montanans who got priced out of other cities. Once they make it cooler the out of staters will come.

Jargon is not unique to this industry at all. Some scholars suggest jargon and slang promotes an “in-group” mentality that fosters cooperation.

Totally depends on the crime. I could easily over look stupid poor judgements like possession, DUI as long as they are not an alcoholic currently, criminal trespassing, maybe a youthful vandalism charge.

Violent / sexual crimes would be a big no-go 🚩property crimes would be tough to trust someone on took.

DUI’s my cut off would definitely be three. Two is a lot but three or more is a no-go.

There is a great park along the river. Search this sub for kids activities.

Blame Californian, or just capitalism, Bozeman is an expensive place to raise a single parent family.

I paid off the membership from the savings from just allergy medication alone.

Any great relationship turnaround stories or relationship you brought back from the brink?

Looking for a little inspiration from anyone who has turned around or "fixed" a relationship that was on the edge?

Any great relationship turnaround stories or relationship you brought back from the brink ?

Looking for a little inspiration from anyone who has turned around or “fixed” a relationship that was on the edge?

Grindr, Google, Fetlife, Christian Mingle ?

User name checks out.

Couch surfing.com might be another option.

Propose your own projects and be as proactive as possible. Ask senior leadership what they would do with unlimited time or take something off their plate they hate doing to build repoire.

You need permission from the Mexican government to desalinate and that’s unlikely/ spendy.

Have a blast, read up on American culture and manners, don’t just make friends from where you are from.

The money is a wash really between the three. Phoenix has the lowest cost of living but you will have to factor in the cost of car ownership. Tempe and Scottsdale are both full of young people and it’s an outdoor paradise 6-7 months a year with no winter but a summer that will send you inside. Opportunities for career advancement will be limited but less competitive. The SW landscape is amazing and, surprisingly, not that far from the ocean (in Mexico) and skiing. Everything does require a car. Generally much more laid back culture than the other two.

DC- higher taxes for sure, depending on what state you live in. Endless young people lots of competition. Pretty accessible nature. Tons of smart people. Lots of competition and very dog eat dog culture. Dating is plentiful but again highly competitive.

Big Sky will be busy as it gets. 4th of July and Christmas are the main holidays. The only main issue will be with restaurant reservations if you have not made them yet, good luck with a big group at the nicer places.

Coffee shops - Caliber coffee is cool. They have a latte and burrito special I never understood. The lobby at big sky resort is a great place to work.