The other tech could probably have gotten in trouble for telling you the results.

Definitely worth it but only if op commits

Nta and watch him to make sure he doesn't use work as an excuse to dump everything on you.

I guarantee she was trying hard but in the effortlessly beauty way which is harder then the normal way because it's subtle and has to be touched up often.

TBH I haven't meet this type of man either.

Strong people that are not just assholes are hard to find

I went to mine.

The debt sucks but I loved the accomplishment. I don't brag about it, I didn't make life long friends etc but I just really wanted it , got it and now feel better knowing I went.

It was a relief. Like a thing crossed off the list that I needed to have.

But this isn't for everyone and I was nearly 30 when I went. Completely different vs young.

Hospital tech. He'll start at least over 20 straight out of school and some types over 30.

I was about to say something like but he had kids... But tbh ten minutes or so... Ya we can all give ten minutes a day unless the person is really disabled

People on the road for work can't do that

It would probably kill me lol. Not diabetic but I literally pass out due to other issues

It can be! I qualified for the best hospital in my state, best doctors etc.

It's really state dependent.

That's because you're in a red state.

I'm so sorry. I qualifed without these requirements.

So the rest are fine and you've had a very small sample size.hmm

Ok but they don't die because of drugs being available but unaffordable.

Bento with rice on one side and meat on the other.

Separate container for veggies or fruits.

Mini one for sauces.

Nana bread or tortilla in ziplock

Your two are probably going for different women. :) neither is bad!