PS4 to Xbox series X party chat:POST_Tech_Support: Support

Hi all,

My gf has a ps4 and I want to switch to my Xbox Series X, is there a fairly easy way of gaining the ability to voice chat together? (Long distance)

Up until now just been using ps party chat between ps4 and ps5


Water storage

Hi guys,

Can’t tell if I’m being silly or not but I can’t tell if water is getting stored or not? My water storage just says “capacity 500” and no amount within it, is that normal?


Also yes I’m new 🫡

You just….hit…the head….with a single rocket….

Same, I’ve not received for the last 3 - I don’t mind tbh but is an issue

Yeah you’re right, that was wrong of me - ill aim to do better in the future

The in absolute awe at the size of this lad

Even on highest difficulties you can run from engagements and they’ll just leave you alone, you also have eyes still during ION storms and can see where enemies are physically placed and run around their areas, you also have ears still during ION storms and can hear bots that you can’t see - I personally don’t find myself sitting on a rock not playing the game cus I don’t have my map, maybe that’s a common thing you’re talking about but in my games (exclusively with randoms) everyone continues to run around

Feels a bit dramatic to stop playing the game cus no map lol

I appreciate that you’re a fan of the stratagem being disabled part though, I also like that

No, it disabling the map is fun - need to climb high ground and scope out where to go next

It should be, but if you needed more than a glance to see which planet to take then you’re stupid, I’m not trying to be rude but there’s no other way to put it

‘Do not drink’ labels on dangerous chemicals are there for people like you - who may, somehow, get confused

People couldn’t see that ubanea was closer to tibit than creek is being used as sound argument? 😭 these bros not got EYES?

Do you feel as though OP wasn’t? Only replying in kind

Bug planet-only players cause more of a negative than creek ever has, does or will

Personally not a creeker but they’re not the issue

Yeah you’re right, but between Reddit, discord and TikTok it feels to capture a decent chunk of the population, with some of that population playing in parties of people

In game would be much better though for sure

People going to draupnir instead of quickly liberating ubanea lost it for us, yeah.

I feel like enough people were spreading this message across Reddit but people stubbornly stayed draupnir.

People can play how they want though, of course - but they’re literally halting the story campaign, bit frustrating.

If you didn’t know, though, you didn’t know so no need to feel bad about it or let others be mean to you about it but I did feel it was obvious which option to choose(it’s the more fun mission types too!)

Hopefully in the end you had fun anyway!

Triple AAA game devs favourite consumer, the one not realising something is a bug 😭

You had rockets, watched it begin to charge you then briefly went to aim at something else then died

Unrelenting skill issue

Off topic to helldivers but I don’t understand why games like destiny don’t just have separate gun balancing between pve and pvp - surely it’s just be a case of having two Individual item codes?

Anyway I am hoping they do more gun balancing I enjoy being forced to use new gear I never used before and having to make it work

If everyone left draupnir and just did ubanea it wouldn’t be a problem and we would have a path to do the order

Defence missions are ass 🤷‍♀️we don’t wanna do em until they’re tuned


A projected time to liberated vs time we’re given to do so would be good too

A back button

For example, I go to helldivers manual > secondary weapons > p4 senator - to go back to secondary weapons I need to go

Open sidebar > helldivers manual > secondary weapons

But I’d like if I can go p4 senator > secondary weapons

Due to map size I’m quite content with 1 biome, just kinda makes sense ig - or do you mean between different sides of the globe?

Basically 1 person needs to push escort buttons everyone else needs to run around the map, I’m afraid - not very epic and teamwork but only way I know of to consistently complete it

Sadly most people don’t realise it and kick you for taking away pressure from objective