Extraordinary. I would think that you would mess around at home with dummy rounds Forever Until you get it all figured out. Loading and unloading endlessly. I suppose the problem is you thought you had it figured out. Couple that with YouTube videos especially those on accidental discharges so you can learn from other people's mistakes.

Jesus keep us posted. If I saw yr dog I would take her home until I found the owner and I am not alone in my thinking.

Close the blinds is it really that difficult

That's a hilarious. Do you know the AR-15 is banned in some countries and states for that matter. I'm not suggesting for a moment that that is right.

This is a no-brainer 20 or 12 gauge shotgun. People simply regurgitate answers they've read elsewhere the best gun you r good at. The question before you, is which gun should you be good at? All the practice in the world with the 22 won't make a 22 good. Get a 12 gauge. Be smart about what ammunition you use, based on where you live. You don't want rounds going through walls affecting other people. There are people on YouTube who shoot shotguns in old houses about to be demoed, to give you a better indication of penetration. Personally, I have nothing. But if I had to choose it would be a shotgun. If you're going for a pistol 9 mm will suffice with defensive rounds. I think it's a beautiful thing when women decide they are not going to be victims. My number one self-defense technique is a good area to live in.

A complete waste of time. The app will not validate u unless u r in that specific area, which is nuts. Sometimes I can sell items from my work address other times from my home address. When apps have these nonsensical restrictions I know better than to get involved.

This is terrible, but I just fast forwarded through the movie. I wanted to see who the Killer was, and I had to come here to find out. I will watch it for sure another time. The subject matter is very disturbing.