I’m so sorry. We are not built to burry our children. I hope you can see that he loved you and you loved him. You were a good dad and you were taking care of him until the end. There’s a show on Netflix called surviving death. I recommend you give it a watch. Just breathe my friend. Take it One minute at a time.

Hurt people, hurt people. Think about that for a second. And remember no one ever wins in a fight. You’re only doing this to be vindictive and where does it end? You ruin her career. What’s to stop her from trying to ruin your life more? Just let it go. You know how you win? You live a long happy life and you never think about them again. Don’t move past it for her, move past it for you. Just live.

To each their own my friend. I work a lot. I’m literally gone half the month down to the minute so when I’m not at work I want to be at home with my kids because time is the only thing you can never get back. But I don’t long for time away. It’s just not me. You gotta take care of you. Soon enough yours will be in school full time and you can do day dates etc. but if it’s something you need in life right now you should arrange it. You being happy will in turn make you a better parent and you’ll be more patient and present. Take care of yourself.

Thank you and I’m sorry this happened to you as well.

We don’t trade there anymore. But I’ve had bad experiences with other cast members at other boards as well. The kids still trade but I hate having anxiety wondering if this is going to turn into an argument because people don’t want to follow policy. They can be mean to me all they want. But turning kids away when they have done nothing wrong is where I get heart burn.

So the way I read the link posted earlier is they can deny a trade they have on their person. Aka a personal lanyard. As far as pin boards go, the Disney policy states they have to trade regardless. Which is what you were told by guest services. I personally don’t pin trade but my kids love to.
I’ve had a run in with a few cast members. Aka Michael and Edwardo who work at 21st century pin who think they run Disney. I buy my kids legit Disney pins. Usually off disneys website and they come on the card stock and in plastic. They have denied my kids multiple times because they don’t like the pin . They are under 10 and don’t understand. This is my soap box to stand on. There are cast members like the two listed above that feel the pins are “theirs” when in reality they are Disneys and Disneys policy states they have to trade. If they don’t like it they shouldn’t work the board. If they don’t want to trade their personal pins then they have that right. But anything owned by Disney should follow the actual written Disney policy. After a run in with Edwardo I went to city hall like you and was presented with a version of their cast member book where it states they have to trade no matter what. They told me to go back and demand he trade but I didn’t want to lose my cool. When he denied it the last time I asked him to call a supervisor and his response was he didn’t have a phone. It makes my kids fearful to trade when they have real pins still in the box. And that’s not ok.

That’s awesome! I have one booked for August that I was watching for a few months and I think it was literally 200 less for the total trip. I just booked because it’s getting close and I didn’t want to miss out on the entire trip waiting for a lower price.

Copy. Just wanted to make sure you were aware. And Being able to use just your key card to pay makes that money go quick. It never fails to see a line around the ship on the last night of people trying to argue their way out of charges they didnt know cost “that much”

From my understanding they do “guarantee rooms” if they are getting closer to the departure date and still have unsold rooms. It just means they choose the room for you. Aka fill you in where they couldn’t sell the room for “full price” the discount is minimal usually but it’s something

Just remember you have to tip at the end of your cruise. So that 200 might already be spent if you haven’t factored that in.

if you are feeling up to it there’s a show on Netflix called surviving death. It may be worth a watch.

Hopefully that won’t be an issue but with limited time you can’t live in fear. They have cruises leave every few days. Can you do a trip like next week, month? And I promise you someone on that ship will give you their dinner spot or they can squeeze you in. And if you do get sick remember you can sign against medical advise (AMA) and not be transported. You’re an adult making your own choices they can’t force you to leave. I don’t know if you like country music but luke combs just came out with a song called “Incase I’m not there” it’s really good and “even though I’m leaving” is another worth listening too. I hope you can get this cruise thing settled.

First off I’m so sorry to hear about your cancer. I’m truly sorry. I am a medical professional but not an oncology physician. What I don’t understand is why you can’t do the cruise??? If treatment isn’t working, then why can’t you enjoy your time the way you see fit? Memories and time is all you have left. My dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last month and I would trade anything for more time and memories. I wish I had more video recordings of us just talking. Just a video of us hanging out. I don’t have that and I can’t get it back. If I was in a situation where time was short I would divorce my spouse so he isn’t liable for my bills and I would think about maxing out every credit card I could get my hands on in hopes of making the most memories I can. And as far as treatment goes. Please don’t give up. If you are grasping at straws look into the “master cleanse” Medicine only goes so far and then theres luck.

I’ve never done back to back. I wanted to do cast away and lighthouse and it was cheaper to do back to back then the single cruise that hit both stops. I’m a very last minute planner. I just booked last week for the trip in August.

They get smogged like every other vehicle. The only thing they put is a bypass switch for when they are pumping so it doesn’t go into regen and lose power. But that’s only in pump mode. Meaning they have full emissions. And I’m not saying to do that every fill up. I’m just saying it’s possible to run gas in a diesel and not blow your motor. I have a 22 3500 HO and keep a quart of oil just incase I’m ever stranded and only have access to gas.

I have the same slide. Completely worth it and the kids love it

Awesome. Thank you. I was debating taking a bag off the ship but If I can go back to the room there’s no need.

I’m going to guess you’ll be fine. I’m friends with a fire department mechanic and he said that on brush fires in a pinch they will put gasoline in the rigs and add a quart of oil to it and it will run. Not sure why he would lie about it. Meaning mixing gas and diesel and driving 5 miles should be ok.

Thanks for sharing. I have a back to back in August and luckily I got the same room. I wonder if I can go back to the room right after boarding? And it’s good to know they try and disembark earlier then 8 because I have an early flight 🫣

My dad past away suddenly and at a young age in April. It was traumatic to say the least. He had an arterial bleed and coughed up a lot of blood and passed. I don’t believe the medics did a good job and it weighed/weights on me heavily. I had many conversations with friends and I did so in front of my son and I regret it dearly. He’s 7 also and I was so caught up in the moment I would forget he was listening. He had a bad cough one night and started crying asking if he was going to die also. I didn’t realize how traumatic it would be for him. My point is, don’t explain how he died. Just that he was sick and he passed way. And you love and miss him dearly. I don’t want to get into what you believe happens after we pass. Just explain your beliefs. Talk about the good and that death happens and it’s ok to be sad with it. But his uncle would want him to be happy and have fun. He wouldn’t want him to be sad. I hope this helps.

Did you offer to repay him for the money spent? I always say, thanks so much he had a great time. let me Venmo you what you spent. Sometimes they agree and sometimes they say don’t worry about it but I try and push. I would text in the next few days. Thank him again for the experience for your boy and then say my son had such a great time, we would like to take (his son’s name) out for a day with us. When is he free?

So my mom has a 2002 sequoia that she drives. She has super low miles but no where near yours. Drive it a lot to get used to it. It’s a heavy truck and takes a long time to brake. The steering js going to be a lot looser with a lot more body roll then you’re used to. Take it slow. Don’t be in a rush and keep your distance from cars. You’ll be ok just be patient and give yourself a lot of time. I would do a simple oil change with a coolant flush. If the tires are that old it would be good to replace. the rubber is old and you don’t want a blow out at highway speed.

I wanted to bring this thread back to life. Any update on walking? From the Hilton to the terminal is like 1320 feet. It seems so close. I think Disney charges 120 for 4 people for the transport. I don’t mind paying for things but that seems super excessive for something so close. I feel like I could make it there on foot before everyone even boards the bus.

I agree that the best thing you can do is talk to them. Be honest and tell them you only want what is best for them. My dad always told me what makes him mad is you know the difference between right and wrong and I chose to do the wrong thing. They sell alarms for doors meant for people with pools. When the magnets come apart a loud alarm goes off. Just put it on the outside of the windows. But There might be a few sleepless nights in your future. I was told by a friend that you shouldn’t let your kids have their phones in their room after 8. If there’s an emergency they can come get you. And you can buy them a normal alarm. There’s no excuse to have it.

I have 3-5 and love it. It’s a small pool, 16x25. So I didn’t want a deep end that no one would go in and everyone would be huddled in the shallow end. And I’m short, 5’8 so I wanted to stand flat in the deep end and still be above the water line. It works for me and don’t regret it at all.