It's almost like in order to have a story and character development and growth, you need conflict and failure.

For example, pretty much everyone loves Zuko's arc in avatar the last airbender. Yet it wouldn't be as good as it is without his actions at the end of season 2, in which he seems to slide back from the progress he has made over the show to that point. He falls down there in order to set up the bigger pay off later on.

There's the fight between Jorah Mormont and a dothraki in season 1 of game of thrones. The dothraki is unarmoured whereas Jorah is in his plate armour. He lets the dothraki take a swing, traps the blade against his breastplate with his arm and then kills the unarmoured dothraki.

Fun fact: you know that terrible "comedy" that the daily wire made about a group of men pretending to be trans women to win in basketball, Ladyballers? Well, Ben Shapiro originally thought about making a documentary about that instead, but couldn't find any men willing to do what was required for them to be eligible to compete in women's sports. That is multiple years of hrt etc.

So, even when they specifically go looking to create the issue they claim exists, they cannot make it real.

The commander in chief giving orders to a section of the military is about as official an act as you can get.

But then they had Diesel beat him in a squash match, killing all that they had built up with his victory over Bret and reducing him to comedy status.

That is also narratively fitting. Getting constantly looped back round would be taxing on your grip on reality, I think!

It would have been better if they built the minutemen quests around proper hubs of certain industries, with a cast of interesting characters with their own wants and needs, instead of random shacks occupied by 2 people.

Like, you establish Sanctuary to start with. But then more people turn up and you need more food than Sanctuary can support with adhoc farming. So the next quest points you to the farm occupied by the Mr Handy robots, but in this example it isn't just a couple of greenhouses but a full on hydroponics farm powerhouse, run by a fun cast of Mr Handy robots (think like the think tank from the big mt). So you go there and need to arrange for them to join the minute men to supply you with food. There are quests the robots need done in order to increase their production and to recognise the minutemen as having the governmental authority to requisition the food as the handymen programming is still running on prewar software etc. and once you do that they agree to join and supply the minutemen with food.

Next is a reliable source of ammunition and weaponry for defence, and what do you know the old fortress of the minutemen had a working factory for producing rifles and ammo, so we should go and retake that and get it up and running again, but to do that we also need to source the raw materials for the factory, which are produced in this town over here so let's see what we can do to get them on board.

So much potential to have the minutemen quests be a way to point you towards cool areas with fun stuff to do and actually give you a feeling of creating a working society.

Temporal Loop in parallel Agnes. Take 1 damage and pay 1 resource to gain 1 extra action (and draw another card to replace it if you have the amulet of hyperborea out).

Lesnar could do the exact same thing, though, while having more reach and more weight.

Why do you assume that just because someone has fought in an environment with rules that they'd fight the exact same way in an environment without rules?

Like, do you think if you got in a street fight with Mike Tyson and got him in a grapple that he wouldn't bite you and gouge at you because it is against the rules of boxing?

You just said there are many instances of men dressed as women attacking women in bathrooms, yet cited exactly zero cases.

Also, Norman Bates didn't attack women in public bathrooms. It would make zero difference whether he dressed up as Mother or not, because he attacked the woman in the private bathroom of her own motel room. He used his position of power as the motel manager to gain access to his victims, not dressing up as a woman.

So, no, I don't think you can assign the cause of the current bathroom panic to the lingering hysteria over Norman Bates.

No, it isn't. Even if we accept their false premise that trans women are just cis men cross dressing to get access to women in order to attack them, and that is a big fucking if, there is and has never been any wave of women getting attacked by transvestite men en masse.

Their fears have zero basis in fact at any time period.

Like, even if we include transvestite serial killers, for whom transvestitism was part of their pathology, they didn't use transvestism to gain access to women. They gained access via the normal ways that literally anyone can.

Remember, it isn't actually about making people use bathrooms or specific gendered spaces, those are just the stepping stones to their ultimate, or perhaps we should call it Final, goal, making existing as a trans person impossible.

And Hitler didn't care about the occult. The leader of a fascist party doesn't need to represent all of their beliefs, values and ideals.

Unfortunately its political power is not due to lifetime appointments to federal courts.

Deport them to where? Where do you send the British Muslims with no other citizenship?

You do realise that the Nazis tried to genocide homosexuals alongside Jews, Romani, etc.

That is not 50x less severe.

In kayfabe there is the 30 day rule, where you need to defend your title at least once in every 30 day period, and if you are not able to do that then the title is stripped from you.

We need Jack Tunney to come out and lay down the law. This lawsuit will clearly make it impossible for Logan Paul to meet his title defence obligations.

Exactly. They are also public figures. There is no way he will be able to prove the evidentiary standard required for defamation.