Went into a 3AM raid on factory to farm some scavs and a little bit of light loot to warm up for the day. Seconds after spawning I heard hella suppressed gun shots and grenades. So I decided to sit tight, let those dudes do their thing, and then move about once things settled some.

I never left the room I spawned in (at the end of the hall behind the heavy equipment and the circuit board room). I just climbed on top of some crates to wait it out

Next thing I know, the grenades were spamming the other side of the wall that I was up against. They knew I was there, though I hadn't moved since they were absolutely wrecking shit making all kinds of noise blowing shit up on the other side of the map. So I knew they were coming in, they knew where I was. Sure as shit, I hear footsteps, one pops in looking right at me immediately upon coming through the door, and I mowed him down. He fucked me up pretty good though and his buddy finished me off.