The Supreme Court just irreparably fucked each and every US citizen in the last two days with the overturning of Chevron and this new ruling granting Presidents immunity from prosecution for “official” acts. We NEED judicial reform and that only happens if we hold elected officials’ feet to the fire. I just sent this message to both Senators and our Rep - note that I had to shorten it for JD Vance since he only accepts 1200 characters:


If you in fact espouse the belief that the rule of law is a critical foundation upon which our country was built and upon which it stands, as a citizen of this nation I desperately urge you to work with other elected officials to draft and enact a plan to address the dire state of our Supreme Court.

In the last few years, this court has made several decisions to cause incalculable harm to our country and its citizens. I do not say this as a matter of opinion, but of fact. The erosion of individual rights and liberties and the strengthening of corporate powers does nothing but to seep decay and corruption into our country’s lifeblood. Multiple sitting members of the Supreme Court testified as a condition of their appointment that Roe v. Wade was settled law and precedent, and that they would not vote to overturn it - and yet they have done so.

Their decisions regarding campaign financing, regulatory agencies’ ability to entrust the opinion of qualified experts, citizens’ rights to personal choice and private healthcare decisions, and the giving and receiving of gifts and gratuities related to policy decisions have all negatively impacted the strength of the United States Citizen and our great country as a nation ruled by Laws and not Men. Today, their finding that the President of The United States is immune from criminal prosecution for acts done in an “official” capacity runs contrary to every philosophy of our Constitution and our Founders, and sets a precedent so dangerous I cannot find the words to express my terror.

No citizen should be above the law, period. This holds especially true for every elected official, and has no higher gravity than for the President of The United States. Any and every President and elected official MUST be able to be held accountable for any and all of their actions if we are truly a nation of laws. I beg of you, please immediately seek recourse from this court and their radical decisions, and work toward restoring the People’s faith in our institutions by upholding Law and Order.