The World Market near me (Tucson, AZ) has some interesting stuff showing up. First off was a display dedicated to Espinaler, but oddly no Espinaler tins.... Found some Porthos down by the floor, and some Pepus (a brand from Spain I am not familiar with) on another display. Gonna have to keep an eye out for more additions.

New finds at World Market
  • Espinaler snacks, but no tins?

  • Porthos hiding down by the floor

  • Pepus from Spain


That's the sequel to 2011's "Hobo with a Shotgun," yeah?

In Tucson, no Ranch 99 down here... So far, I've not found any place local that carries them...

Yikes! Yeah, 10 bucks would be an easy nope.

I can get these for $3.99 at the World Market near my house, so they are my go-to when I have a random urge for Nuri-like quality at a lower price point (the same World Market has Nuri for a couple bucks more). I have yet to locate Flower anywhere in town, so I have to plan ahead and order those. I keep running out, so I'm seriously thinking about that 50-pack I saw on Amazon.

God, I miss the Golden Smoked... I used to get them at a local dollar store, but I've not seen them in decades. Now when I get that hankering, I grab a can or the Polar kippers (the yellow one). They are just as good or maybe even better, and only priced slightly higher. One of these days I'll find a can of the Golden Smoked and have a taste off.

I used to keep a P38 on my keyring... That stopped the day I stuck my hand in my pocket and the blade jabbed about 3/8" up under my index fingernail on my right hand. Yowza.

Ooh, I have a can of that I've been sitting on, and have yet to try it. What's your recommended way to eat it?

I picked one of these up yesterday with high hopes, but it turned out more ho hum than hot & spicy. :/

I did the same... I have 1 left from the 5 pack, when it's gone I'm pulling the trigger on the 100 pack.

I've got two tins of those, and they are SO going into a curry as soon as I buy some more.

I've really been missing the Trader Joes Korma Fish Curry, so I went rooting through the pantry and found the makings of a Panang Fish Curry using a can of 'dines and a boxed curry kit. I was worried that cooking sardines was going to register as "smelly" and "gross" to the other occupants of the house, but it turns out the curry kit was even fishier smelling due to the fish sauce in the ingredients. I was really hungry and scarfed the first two fishies before the dish had even properly come together so the second two benefited from a longer cook time, as well as I decided to split them in half lengthwise down the spine. Plus the sauce got a bit thicker with the additional cook time (the pic is of the 1st two that were not split, and before the sauce had properly thickened). It's no TJ's Korma Fish, but it was pretty damned good. Would probably be really good with White Anchovies, too.

DIY Thai Fish Curry
  • Found in the pantry...

  • Ingredients on the Curry kit

  • Simmering away

  • The first two fishies (unsplit, and the sauce was not yet thicked)


I totally did! This particular can was as hot, or maybe hotter than the Flower brand. Quite unexpected, for Nuri anyway. I didn't spy any extra peppers in the can, so I'm thinking the pepper they did use was just hotter than normal. I can see that... I have a Serrano plant in the yard, and the peppers from it can vary wildly depending on various factors. I'm curious to know if the extra heat was just my one can, or if the entire lot was affected. I think I need to go back to the store and see if I can find any more from lot 120 for testing. At any rate, it was a nice surprise.

Hotter-than-normal Nuri

I've gotten used to my spiced Nuri being just that, spiced but not spicy, but today I had a can of the Spiced Nuri in Tomato Sauce that had some definite heat to it, and even now, 20 minutes later, I can still feel a glow in my mouth and belly. I checked the wrapper and this is from Lot 120, the best before date is December 2027. I don't know what the lot numbers were on the other cans I've had, but I know the best by date on all of them was sometime in 2026. I checked the other can I have in the pantry and it is Lot 112/Dec2026. I'm curious of any of you are encountering hotter-than-expected Nuris, and if so, which Lot number(s)....

Oh yeah, we've been under surveillance all right, my wife has three of those things... lol

I mean, c'mon.... Sardines, hot sauce AND computer gear?? Bezos has cameras in my home, ya'll!! Well, to be fair (and honest), an algorithm written by a 10-year-old could have figured that out, no need for cameras.

Hmm, I gotta keep an out out for these. I LOVE the regular Riga Gold, but I've never tried the tomato sauce ones.

I've got a pair of those, but I am loathe to do anything with them since they still work (although both have dead CMOS batteries, so I have to enter the HDD type every time to get them to boot to DOS). I took one apart to see about replacing the CMOS battery and the plastic is so fragile due to age that some of the screw mounts just crumbled putting it back together. I think I'll just leave them be for now.