My Johnny cat gets more adorable everyday... is there an adorableness limit?Cat
  • Before adoption

  • 5 months after adoption <3

  • 5 months after adoption <3

  • 5 months after adoption <3


Sun Virgo, rising Capricorn, moon Pisces. I prefer my roasting to be medium well please.

ADHD-PI (Primarily Inattentive)

Irritation with sounds of almost any type. I absolutely HATED when kids would wear wind pants that made that swoosh sound in elementary school. Basically I’d get overstimulated and that would rustle my jimmies to the core. I was diagnosed and treated for anxiety at the beginning of high school but it’s not a great idea to put a 14 year old on Xanax daily. I didn’t take it most of the time because even though I was less irritated with sounds, I felt like I was not mentally present and oblivious to things which then caused anxiety in itself. I changed college majors 7 times and a therapist told me I couldn’t have adhd because I double majored (because I changed my majors so often so taking a few more classes meant 2 majors and a minor). So interestingly when I was diagnosed by a psychologist who had me take an insane amount of tests (MMPI, IQ, etc) and was prescribed stimulants, my anxiety finally became much more manageable.

This reminds me of the scene in “Office Space” where Jennifer Aniston goes off on her manager about wearing 37 pieces of flair vs the minimum, 15.

I am unsure about the specific rules for this, but my first thought was a park and ride parking ramp. I live near southwest station (just off 212) and it’s well lit 24/7. The parking ramp was very recently built and I wouldn’t think the upper levels have much traffic if it’s open yet. Eden prairie is very safe. It’s near the fire station though which might be annoying. Again I’m not positive about the rules they have and enforce (please anyone feel free to correct me!) but it could be an option.

Staedtler is my absolute favorite. I like the medium width for writing on plates and the fine width for tubes. I used them in my masters lab, brought them over and converted my PhD lab and now I’m a postdoc in a lab that only uses them. Fine point sharpies are nice too, but staedtler pens have colors that don’t smear off easily. Color coding my strains has saved me from disaster as someone who has penmanship worse than an epileptic chicken.


My cat also gets these darker colored eye boogers. Cats commonly get this from producing too much tears and/or tear ducts that do not drain tears efficiently enough. Very common in Persians due to their flat face but I think any cat can get these. So don’t panic if you see any brownish eye boogers (:

First time home buying advice needed!

Hi everyone,

My husband and I have been discussing buying a home for some time and I would greatly appreciate any advice or resources on how/where to start. We will be first time homebuyers so this is entirely new territory for us and admittedly we probably don’t know the basics. We both have lived in MN most of our lives so we have a general idea of where we’d be interested (Chanhassen, Excelsior, or west metro in general as long as it’s safe and quiet). He works remote and I’m a postdoc at the U of M so even though my commute is something to consider, it’s not a long term job and I’m fine with a long commute (40 minutes one way currently) if that means living in an ideal location. We have a plan of how much we can afford for a down payment, our price range and our ideal sized house (we’d both prefer something smaller, maybe a rambler, it’s just us and our cats, no kids planned for the future). So my question is, should we contact a real estate agent first? If so, does anyone have any recommendations on agencies or specific agents? We have been looking at Zillow but have been overwhelmed as we feel like we’re going at this blindly and we don’t have a precise neighborhood in mind. Any advice on what NOT to do would be very helpful as well!

ADHD-PI (Primarily Inattentive)

In my experience at all pharmacies, I can fill it in the 28th day. Does your doctor write the script so it cannot be filled until exactly 30 days into your prescription? Try filling it at pharmacies inside clinics or hospitals. I work at a large university and never had any problems filling adderall (I take 2 different XR doses and an IR dose daily) at the med school pharmacy. They said that they never had any problems with running out in contrast to large pharmacies like Walgreens in the same area.

Eye boogers are pretty normal for cats. Many cats have feline herpes that may be present as clear eye discharge (my vet compared it to cold sores humans get). Unless your cat looks like they’re winking or having pain in their eye, I wouldn’t worry too much (disclaimer: I’m not a vet but have a cat with chronic eye and nose boogers likely from feline herpes and he has asthma and allergies so I’ve been to the vet for respiratory issues with him a bit). I also have been seeing posts about cats having allergies more often lately. Many cat eye boogers may also have a reddish brown tint which is also very common.

Wellbutrin has stifled most enjoyment I got from alcohol. I take Wellbutrin for adhd (200mg SR) but it is also used for people with alcohol and nicotine dependencies. I would be mindful of how much you drink and what your BAC% would approximately be based on your height and weight. There are online calculators for this. Unless I have a completely empty stomach and make an effort to day drink, I don’t feel tipsy easily and I’m a little lady. To be clear I’m not advocating for binge drinking but just sharing my experiences.

Floss before. Why leave the gunk between your teeth in your mouth? I prefer a little swish of water after flossing then brushing.

I hold my sneezes in (so I just make a little snort sound and don’t draw a lot of attention to myself) and I’ve done so for so long that I can’t unbreak that habit.

Always long pants and closed toe shoes in my lab in Minnesota. Unless it’s the weekend. We all know lab accidents don’t happen during the weekend, right? 😉

This reminds me of the Mr Business episode of Bobs Burgers

It looks like asthma! I have an asthmatic cat and he was diagnosed after X-rays of his lungs. If he’s been doing this without anything coming up there is a good chance it’s asthma.


Here’s my tripod Desmond. Can’t say he is actually disabled though- he gets around completely fine without any issues.

I just listened to this last week for shits and giggles and cringed so much. It was played at all my high school dances.

My neighbor had a poodle named “Cuddles” and my 5 year old brain heard “I walk Cuddles when you’re not here.”

Didn’t they play this on American Idol every week when someone would get voted off??

Welcome to Minnesota! It was just summer solstice so it was the longest day of the year. Due to the tilt of the earth, the changes in sunlight are more drastic than places closer to the equator. This is why the northern part of Alaska experiences 24 hour sunlight and also the “polar night.” The sun will be setting by 430ish around Christmas time here.