Someone mentioned a backlog because of covid too. They could be still playing catch up.

YTA. They are only 14 yrs old and you're body shaming them. Your own children! Shame on you!

Thank you. You are so absolutely right! It most certainly was a rude and very judgemental (not to mention unhelpful) comment and I appreciate you calling it out. I didn't have the energy to in the moment.

NTA. Your daughter is being extremely irresponsible and immature. Seems you had a good reason not to get her a dog when she was younger. She is an adult and still isn't taking care of the animal properly. It's your house. I wouldn't want blood everywhere on my stuff either. That is disgusting. She should be thanking you for taking the time and I'm assuming spending YOUR money for the vet bill to take care of a problem she refused to address.

I saw Stand by Me and the Pet Sematary movies before I read any of his books. I just finished Pet Sematary last week. Inalso saw the 90s HBO series of The Stand before I read the book. The Stand was my 1st King book.

Thank you! Everything worked out fine. Hugs back!

Thank you. It's nice to actually have some people be supportive instead of just jumping on here to make me feel worse about myself than I already did. Like, I'm being hard enough on myself, I don't need anyone else to be either.

Yep i do. I already have a stash. I didn't want to get kicked out of the program is what i was worried about. Thankfully i didn't, and it's all good.

Same here thats why i was freaking out even over my 1st fuck up

I do both. Its an actual clinic. Sometines i go in person, sometimes its telehealth. This appt was telehealth so she wasn't upset with me at all.

I think the parents should at least be charged with negligence/negligent homicide. Then they will start talking. While Isaac is "different", I believe his story as it has never changed. There is also a lot of misinformation out there about him being a sex offender and all that. None of those rumors are true and honestly, Deorr wasn't Isaac's responsibility. They should charge the parents

Thats a bummer. I would be pissed.

I'll be ok. I would want someone to cover for me if something happened to one of my family members. That's the way I look at it.

I also sleep on my lunch break

Yes pretty much. But thankfully monday my bosses dads home nurse will be there and she can come back to work.

Its a good thing I don't base my worth on my reddit karma lol

I don't think it's addict behavior to miss an appt because I was so tired from working 6 18 hr shifts in a row but like you said, some people can be so judgmental. And they are on here too for a reason but somehow they are better than me? I think not.

I don't get it. Those same people have made mistakes too. As if downvoting me is gonna mess up my life lol. I thought we were supposed to be supportive of each other here. Downvoting someone for asking a question isnt very supportive. What a bunch of losers lol

12-13 hrs, how cute. I'm talking 18 hr days. 6 in a row.

I did, thank you very much.

Thanks but I'm a worry wart lol. I just couldn't keep my eyes open this morning. It definitely won't happen again.

I don't know why either but I don't really care lol. As if nobody in this sub has ever made a mistake. Thankfully my doctor has more empathy than them and its honestly her opinion that matters.

Thank you for your kind words.

Its also not going to happen again. I will set 5 alarms if i have to

Thanks for the advice. I already have an emergency stash.I wasn'tt worried about going without for a few days, I was worried about getting dropped from the program altogether. I suppose I should have clarified that. She called and said she was unable to squeeze me in this afternoon so i have to wait til next week and she called me in a weeks worth

Yes i was like wtf am i gonna do. She called in a weeks worth and rescheduled me for next week. I think it helped that this is my first "fuck up" so to speak.

Exactly. My doctor is pretty cool i guess. I haven't "messed up" anything to see how she would react so thats why i was so anxious. Thankfully she called me in a weeks worth and rescheduled my appt for next week.