Long post but good read and good advice. I’m just a gringo that has had my fair share of travels across the border. We all run a certain risk when leaving familiar ground, and times are tough all around. Safe travels fellow travelers.

I appreciate this comment more than an upvote

“Mortgage some” is such a boomer problem. I wish I could mortgage something. Oh, it’s me in the morgue.

“I’ll remember your faaaaaaaaace.” No one knows the horrors I felt in that moment.

Propaganda piece. News will come out soon about a hospital with a similar case that might not have a good outcome. Nice that the title is all in caps.

I like Road Warrior, but most of all Beyond Thunderdome.. Tina and Mel, “ain’t we a pair”

I feel George remained true to his integrity. He probably would have accepted if offered with Richard, but I’m too lazy to look into the details. George stayed true to himself, and this seems like a George thing to do. Their music is timeless, and George was part of that inspiration and creative work. John knew he didn’t deserve it and was right. George was right for not accepting as an “oh, and you” knighthood. He deserved it earlier and stayed true to his character. I love them all in their own flawed ways.

I first read this as “Indian Mall” and thought, I guess that’s why you can’t see it… I’m an asshole. I figured they were hidden somewhere but then I read the headline again and saw “Indiana” and realized it was all those shitty vehicles, not the cool hidden Indians.

I’m not sure if it’s the glove or your pinky, but something is a little off in this picture.

Smaller objects should burn up upon entry into our atmosphere. It could be a grand meteor shower. Still, falling space rocks…

Inspired to make this Sunday morning. Not necessarily as my “last meal” but just because I never added the green chile. Only do pancakes and sausage for the kids on Fridays. Maybe I’ll improvise tomorrow…

Chop/slice that steak and add peppers. Flip it and whiz it, now you got a cheesesteak

“Jesus!” J/k but seriously, with two semi trucks, I’d be praying, too. Pass faster

In elementary school, a girl sang I Got You, Babe at the “talent show” one year. She sang both parts. It was awesome and I always wanted to do that once. Probably that. And, yes, I have practiced but still not good. Perfect for karaoke

Musky bait is my bait of choice, sometimes Valheim

“Lloyd! Shouldn’t you be looking at the road?!” Yeaaaah…. Can’t be too careful… lotta bad drivers out there

I fart in your general direction!

Civilization. Sid Meier. I would still play it again. Of course I would use the cheat for the settlers. So many wasted hours. I was introduced by my kindergarten friend when I visited his house for an afternoon. Asked my parents if we could go buy it at Egghead Software (old store). Must have been like $40 at the time, so it was a birthday present. Still have the book. Getting that catapult to conquer the Germans, or whichever country we needed to attack to expand. Developing spies and trying for the space station build to alpha central was my typical attempt. I even loved the Civilization: Call to Power and 2. Great fun and I should probably try to find Civ CtP 2 since I remember it being a great game.