Grifters are gonna grift. These are just the two instances we know about.

Kirkland Signature Alaskan Fish Oil. It’s regulated. USP. Full Spectrum goodness. No bs.

No mercury. And you would have to eat a butt ton of fish to get 1400 mgs of triglycerides a day. That’s just one capsule.

This isn’t processed omega 3 crap. Omega 3,5,6,7,9,11. And it’s cheap af. You would pay thousands of dollars a year to buy enough fish to attain the same benefit. Then you have to cook it.

Lake farts. Natural gas doesn’t come from a pipe. It comes out of the ground. Humans pipe it but the planet just releases it sometimes. It’s methane.

Oneup Carbon Bar on a stem adaptor. Then use any length 1 1/8” stem you want.

Oneup hacked carbon fiber with this bar. It is by far the most comfortable bar my hands have ever touched. Zero chatter or hand numbing like with alloy.

We just use postits. We put a few on the outside and it helps them with depth perception. Works well for us. We never have bird strikes where as before we’ve had birds hit it hard.

Depends on a lot of things. Battery health and what you have turned on. Having satellites track you while you are asleep in bed uses battery.

All over the place. But you won’t be in long unless you suit up.

I love RaceKings with the Black Chili Protection casing. Fast af. But Mezcals last longer.

There’s one born every second

Everything is stupid to people like that.

Hahahahahahhhh . . . douchebag

Ok, I’m grossed out now. He’s a predator attempting to legitimize his experience.

Pretty cheap to try it. Way cheaper than a new bike. Cane Creek will hook you right up.

Yeah it makes a difference. Millimeters count. Slacker is slacker.

Well that’s fucked up. NBD incoming. But man that’s fucked up. Hope you’re ok.

For real luggage.

Needs more cowbell

My SO counted 26 stings on me. It was not a good time. She’s a nurse and carries Benadryl. Now I carry it too.

The next day she drove me to Walgreens to get a tetanus booster. As soon as she told the pharmacist what happed she dropped everything and had the needle in my arm in 5 minutes. I had no idea this was a thing. But I do know tetanus is a horrible way to die.

Stay current on tetanus boosters. And if you are stung by bees or ants multiple times get boosted immediately if it’s been awhile. They pick it up in the dirt and drive it right into you.

Eat healthy including lots of high quality leafy greens and olive oil and supplement with high quality full spectrum fish oil. Your brain and your liver are mostly fat. Don’t feed them crap.

Stay hydrated and get lots of exercise. The only way to flush toxins from your body is to get your heart rate up.

Stressing about having smoked weed is stupid. Own it and move on. Happiness doesn’t just happen. It’s something you get up in the morning and do. So do it.

Yeah the pins and side plates aren’t changing form. Especially with fixie chains. The tech is mature. And then some.

I recently replaced the chain on a hardtail 1x12 after 4500 miles. 2500 wet, muddy miles in Alaska last year and another 2000 or so in the dusty high desert this year. It had a few more miles in it but in the interest of cassette/chainring health I didn’t procrastinate. I don’t baby anything but chain lube matters. So does quality.