So true. I hate nonprofits. They are users and abusers in the worst sense usually all under the guise of you don’t burn yourself out then you don’t really care. Guess what? Turns out I liked not wanting to kill myself over helping you get more tax free money.

It is what made it so easy for me to see how time and time again a human being would put the security for not just their life time but their children and their children’s children, for what, the exchange of a few lives? Phbbbbt. Easy choice. Right?

You are a better person than I.😉

This person is either lying for an attempt at free games or internet attention. On the off chance they are telling the truth they wreak of entitlement and a deep seeded need for therapy.

And if it is they should be spending their hard earned money on something better than a game that will be half price at least by the time they are legal. So I am skeptical this is true and even if it is can understand why the father cut ties if she seems to take after th mother so strongly.

They better have given those crows more peanuts! They basically said “Prettt Please” in Crownese.

Especially if you can rent a closet, a VR set and a state of the art sex doll that gets hosed out at the end. You could make a killed charging like $50 an hour.

Same. I had a slight issue with a brand new 1 TB OLED that almost resulted in my permanently sending it back. As in I actually had initiated the return. Thankful that I gave it another shot. Now it has been an absolutely problem free and actually one of the favorite things I have in my life.

It functions as a dock because of the HDMI port, it has charging capability into a USB-C port while also using a toggle for a mouse, another for a keyboard and have a third for another accessory.

The reviews for Eiyu Senki Gold were funny enough combined with your recommendation for me to try! Thank you.

Can you see if a female can get abducted please in strangeville? Please? In that one house that has like five stories of stairs? For science?

It is possible. I install and delete mods like I change my underwear for all my sims, stardew valley and Skyrim games. 😬

I genuinely remember having a female get abducted and have an alien baby. Apparently it can be a thing if your pregnant sim gets abducted? I never knew! I guess I will be booting sims 2 up on my steam deck to see if I can replicate it.